  • 學位論文


The Hierarchical Linear Models Analysis of Teaching Evaluation in Tamkang University

指導教授 : 温博仕
共同指導教授 : 陳麗菁


各大學院校為了提升教師的教學品質且增加大學競爭力,教育部積極地推廣「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」,教學評量亦逐漸成為各大學院校的重要議題。教學評量的目的在於促進教師自我成長與反省、檢視學生學習成效以及作為學校獎懲教師之參考依據。 本研究欲針對94至97學年度之「大學部一般性課程教學評量」資料庫的資料進行研究,主要的研究對象為淡江大學大學部授課教師。本研究運用階層線性模式以探討各外在因素(課程因素、教師因素等)對於教師長期教學評量之影響,最後本研究欲藉由我們所配適出的模型分析結果提供學校、未來相關研究者及相關教育機構參考。


In order to improve the instructional quality and increase competitiveness of university, the Ministry of Education popularizes the ‘Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence of Universities’ actively. The teaching evaluation gradually becomes the important issue in universities. The purpose of the teaching evaluation is to promote teachers self-growth and self-reflection, to evaluate students' learning effects and taken as a reference of reward or punishment teachers in school. This study conducts a review of all educators who teaching undergraduate in Tamkang University based on the data from the Undergraduate General Course of Teaching Evaluation’s database from 94 to 97 academic years. The Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) method is applied to assess the effects of the external factors, curriculum or teacher factors for example, upon the long-term teaching evaluation. The objectives of this study are to give some suggestions to schools, researchers and educational institutions based on the fitted statistical model.


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