  • 學位論文


A Study on the Sustainable Use of Corporate e-learning: The Mediating Role of User Involvement Industry

指導教授 : 吳錦波


面對知識經濟時代的來臨,企業管理者都在不斷尋找更具成本效益的方式來傳遞培訓他們的員工,企業導入數位學習系統,能降低人力資源成本、加速新進員工理解公司核心價值、制度規範。如何有效讓員工,持續造訪提升學習成效,以取得大量知識提升企業競爭力,已成為企業實施數位學習的課題。 本研究以資訊系統接受後持續採用模式為基礎,結合了使用者涉入模型,對已實施企業數位學習之企業員工作為研究對象,依據本研究結果之發現,提升員工本身對企業數位學習的重要性,涉入程度增加,能顯著影響持續使用數位學習網站意圖。因此建議公司在績效考核評比加入員工數位學習的學習進度、增加組織內部數位學習參與程度,或是不定時透過宣導方式使員工了解企業數位學習的重要性。


With the coming of knowledge-based economic era, the corporate managers keep searching a more cost-effective way to deliver message and conduct training for the subordinates. By incorporating the digital learning system, the enterprise can reduce the HR cost and make the new recruits understand the core value, systems and regulations more quickly. It has become a topic for enterprises to carry out digital learning that how to make the employees follow it to improve the learning effectiveness effectively, so as to obtain large amount of knowledge and elevate the corporate competitiveness. The study takes the post-acceptance model of IS continuance as the basis, combines with user involvement model and takes the employees working in the enterprises that have implemented corporate digital learning as the subjects. As shown in the study results, the involvement degree will be increased if the employees can emphasize more on the corporate digital learning. It can significantly influence the intention of learning on digital website, and increase the participation degree in corporate digital learning. Or it can make the employees understand the importance of corporate digital learning with non-scheduled initiatives


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