  • 學位論文


eSports event innovativeness: Conceptualization and measurement

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈


電子遊戲競技的崛起,除了遊戲的人口增加外,觀看比賽的人口也增加。根據 newzoo games market research在2015的統計,2017年亞洲將會有七千六百萬的電競狂熱觀眾,歐洲與北美洲的電競狂熱觀眾意繪增加到四千四百萬,全球總預估會有一億四千五百萬的觀眾,其中的54%是來自亞洲,每年觀眾成長率是20%。Yahoo白皮書2015年的統計中,自2012年起台灣的遊戲人口已經從650萬增加到2015年的760萬,三年之間已經成長了17%,其中有54.3%的玩家是電腦線上遊戲玩家,而其中的75%又願意在遊戲上消費。創新性能為運動產業的成長帶來更多的機會,在預估台灣遊戲人口還有遊戲觀眾未來穩定的成長率之下,進而探討台灣電競環境發展現況是否具有創新性。由於國內對於台灣電競產業的研究很少,所以本研究將以探討台灣電競產業目前已發現的特性,並提出電競比賽隊伍/選手表現、電競比賽環境、粉絲社群和粉絲忠誠度活動,四個評估指標來衡量台灣電競產業整體創新程度。 本研究發現: (1)「電競比賽隊伍/選手表現」和電競比賽環境發展狀況在台灣電競產業整體創新程度有正向影響。(2)粉絲社群和粉絲忠誠度活動在台灣電競產業沒有特別突出的創新。(3)研究發現,女性消費者�玩家�觀眾對於電競產業的創新性接收度與男性一樣。電競產業工作者可採用本研究成果,針對比賽環境、隊伍經營、社群發展還有忠誠度活動來調整經營支出的幅度,已確保已有的消費者並增加新的消費者。


Ever since eSports event begin to grow, the audience that watch eSports event is also growing beside the growth of gamers. According to SlidShare 2015 report, in 2017 there will be 76 million enthusiastic eSports audience in Asia, Europe and North America will increase to 46 million audience, and total global audience are 145 million. From the numbers above, nearly 54% are from Asia, and annual growth rate is 20%. We can see from data shows growth rate is rising, and study shows innovation will bring more opportunity for growth rate in sport industry. Therefore, this research will evaluate the innovativeness in Taiwanese eSports environment under the circumstances of steady audience and gamers growth rate. Because the similar kind of research is very less in Taiwan, so this research will only discuss the dimensions that has been discovered in Taiwanese eSports environment so far. Which is player performance, aesthetic environment, fan community and loyalty program, using these dimension to evaluate overall innovativeness in Taiwan eSports environment. The discover result is perhaps to provide useful information to managerial level to make decisions and marketing strategy in the future. In order to retain the audience and attract new audience.


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