  • 學位論文


Hu periods of religious policy and practice: A Case Study of Confucian Revival (2002 to 2012)

指導教授 : 張家麟


從近幾年中共宗教政策的演變來看,觀察到中共從過去的批孔到近年來恢復尊孔、祭孔,民間的儒家文化復興運動展開,政府也積極鼓勵。允許各類民間人士和組織開展相關活動。政府高層對傳統文化的態度已經大為改觀。毛澤東時代是西方左派共產主義的具體實踐,較走極端;到鄧小平時代改推行現代化,比較中性;而今胡錦濤提出和諧社會概念,這就是儒家社會理想的核心價值了。 從2004年胡錦濤開始提出儒教政策以後,影響儒教政策的背景因素,有三個主要影響原因:一、漸進式的宗教政策-中共政策出現並非是一夕間出現,而是緩慢而漸進式的開放,也延襲前執政者的政策基礎下,採漸進式開放;二、政治菁英理念-從傳統菁英理論可知中共政策的出現,政治菁英往往扮演關鍵性角色;三、大國崛起-西方國家見中國崛起視為威脅而提出「中國威脅論」,因此,中共重新找回具有和諧理念的儒教,來平反中共是和平崛起的大國。 而胡錦濤時期宗教政策出現後所帶來的效應,分別從對中國內部、兩岸間效應與全國效應為討論重點。在中共內部對宗教的態度鬆綁後,民間的儒教活動更加活躍,政府方面也因應時代需求,重新檢視儒家文化的時代意義與價值;中共儒教復興後,確實也帶來兩岸間的競與合。在兩岸同文化基礎下促進兩岸交流,但同時也在國際間互爭中華文化的正統;另外,在全球方面,儒教復興後,紛紛在全球廣設孔子學院,帶來了全球「漢語熱」,同時也增進了中國文化在全世界的話語權。


In recent years, the evolution of the CCP religious policy point of view, the CCP observed grant from the past to the recent restoration statue bore hole, Confucius, Confucian culture folk revival movement commenced, the government also actively encouraged. Allow all kinds of private individuals and organizations related activities. Senior government's attitude to the traditional culture has been greatly changed. Western leftists Maoist communist concrete practice, representing extremes; into the era of Deng Xiaoping changed the implementation of modern, more neutral; Now Hu Jintao put forward the concept of a harmonious society, this is the ideal Confucian society's core values of. From 2004 Hu Jintao began to make Confucianism policy, the impact of contextual factors Confucianism policy, there are three main effects reasons: First, the progressive religious policy - CCP policy not occur overnight, but the slow and gradual opening also delay the passage of the policy of former rulers basis, adopt progressive opening up; Second, the political elite concept - from the traditional policy of the CCP elite theory shows the emergence of political elites often play a key role; Third, the rise of great powers - the Western countries see the rise of China as a threat and proposed a "China threat theory" and therefore, the CCP has rediscovered Confucian concept of harmony, to vindicate the CCP's peaceful rise is a big country. The emergence of religious policy during Hu Jintao brought effects, respectively, from the Chinese interior, between the two sides to discuss the effects of the national focus effect. In the CCP relaxed attitude towards religion, the civil Confucianism activities more active government, they should have age requirements, re-examine the significance of Confucian culture and values of the times; Chinese Communist Confucian renaissance, and indeed bring competition and cooperation between the two sides. Basis with the two sides to promote cross-strait cultural exchanges, but also to compete internationally orthodox Chinese culture; addition, in the global context, the renaissance of Confucianism, have set up Confucius Institutes in the world wide, bringing the world's "Chinese fever" promote the Chinese culture but also the right to speak in the world.


原文: 以儒家文化做為兩岸關係開展的互動準繩 - 國家政策研究基金會
