  • 學位論文


A study on the Global Intelligent Transportation System Industry for Emerging Opportunities and Strategies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何煖軒
共同指導教授 : 黃哲盛(Je-Sheng Huang)


近年來隨著全球人口成長,新興國家經濟的快速起飛,車輛的數量也隨之快速的成長,交通擁擠的問題已經成為全球各大都會區所面臨的共同問題之一。在資訊與通訊技術快速發展的現在,藉由通訊、資訊處理、自動控制與既有運輸系統結合,來有效提高現有陸上運輸系統的使用效率,是目前世界各國政府主要推動的解決方案。 智慧型運輸系統是結合高科技來提昇現有運輸系統的使用效能,不但建置成本相對低廉,建設的時間也相對快速,同時還可藉此產生許多衍生的利益。我國高科技產業由於上、中、下游 供應鏈完整,產業環境高度整合,良好的研發設計能力,彈性而有效率的生產管理,迅速的市場導入能力,產品品質穩定及低生產成本都具國際之競爭優勢。 本研究將以文獻分析法作為依據,透過產業研究之方式與次級資料的蒐集來進行分析,選擇台灣智慧型運輸系統產業作為研究對象。首先,運用麥可.波特(Michael E. Porter)的國家鑽石架構理論來了解台灣在智慧型運輸系統產業所面臨的環境變動、產業結構、市場概況及未來趨勢。其次,再以產業價值鏈分析來了解台灣在智慧型運輸系統產業之競爭基礎,最後運用SWOT分析評估台灣之競爭優劣勢,並對未來應發展之競爭策略及經營之方向提出建議。


In recent years, as the world's population continues to grow along with the rapidly expanding economy, the number of vehicles following the rapid growth of traffic congestion has become a common problem in the world's major metropolitan areas. The rapid growth of Information and communication technology by the use of communications, information processing, automatic control and the existing transport system, in order to effectively improve the existing land transport systems’ efficiency, is the solution available to the world's major governments. ITS is a combination of high technology to be used to upgrade the existing transport system performance, not only to build a relatively low cost solution with relatively fast construction time, but at the same time to also have a number of derivatives. Taiwan's high-tech industry, because of upstream, midstream and downstream supply chain integrity, highly integrated industry environment, well-designed research and development capabilities, flexible and efficient production management, rapid introduction of market capacity, product quality, and stability with a low cost of production, has a major competitive advantage. This study will document an analysis of the industry through research methods and secondary data collection to choose Taiwan as the ITS Industry for the study. First of all, the use of Porter (Michael E. Porter) Country Diamond Theory to understand the structure of the ITS industry in Taiwan and facing environmental changes in the industrial structure and market situation. This is followed by a value chain analysis to understand Taiwan’s ITS Industry on the basis of competition. And finally, the use of a SWOT analysis of the Taiwan ITS Industry’s competitive advantages and disadvantages, future trends and future development of competitive business strategy, and direction of the recommendations.


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