  • 學位論文


The research of Lui Shi-Pei’s Confucius’ thought

指導教授 : 蔣秋華 黃復山


劉師培(字申叔,號左盦,又名光漢,筆名韋裔、無畏、世培等,1884-1919),江蘇儀徵人。他出生於三代相傳的書香門第,他的成學背景除了受到家風的啟蒙外,亦受到時代變革的影響,他時時借學論政,不僅使他在政壇上活躍,同時也造就了他學術的功業。所以世人稱他「經學大師」、「國學大師」以及「亞洲盧梭」。劉師培的著作廣博,包含了經學、政治、文學、美術、戲劇等。但由於受到家學的影響,其論述主軸仍是以孔學為主。因此,本文旨在對劉氏孔學思想作一考察與研究。 劉師培的著作,主要是因「實用」所需,無論是在政治上、教學上以及「推廣普及」、「發揚中華文化」。他以孔學作為論述的軸心,所以了解劉師培的孔學思想,亦可以說是通盤了解其學術思想。在經學方面,劉師培認為孔學與經學實難劃分界線,對於孔子改制說、孔子作六經說以及孔子是否創教說,作了精闢的說明。在政治方面,劉師培藉由孔學論證闡揚孔子的「攘夷」思想,也藉由孔學發揚無政府主義的平等觀。在文學方面,劉師培認為文章首重「正名」,闡揚「文言」說,並且追溯文章的源流,這都是由孔學思想所延伸出來的。在美學方面,劉氏認為孔學具有保存中國美術的功勞。在戲劇方面,由於孔子刪《詩》,使得《詩經》的最末,已經具有戲劇的雛型。 劉師培對於孔學的研究,可以分為三個部分探求:第一、以動機的角度論之。劉氏認為治學最大的功能,在於能經世致用。他所作的《孔子傳》、《孔學真論》、〈論孔子無改制之事〉、〈黃帝紀年說〉、〈讀某君孔子生日演說稿後〉等,都是對孔學的基本認識來達到經世致用的目的。第二、以考據的角度論之。身為「樸學大師」的劉師培,在治學、著述中都以考證為依歸,這也是大多數清儒治學的共同依歸,他們皆認為考據之學乃是治學的基礎。第三、以義理的角度論之。劉師培的論述要「持之有物」,則必須將學問中的義理發揮,運用到實際的生活層面,如此,才能使他的孔學達到一個結構完整的思想體系,並且能夠貼近人心。我們在探究劉師培孔學思想的過程中,雖時時感受到他的論述因為早期與晚期的不一,甚至相互矛盾,但我們平心而論,劉氏的政治立場因時改變,主要還是為安定人民生活以及保存國粹為宗旨。


劉師培 孔學 經學 政治 文學


Liu, ShiPei, surnamed Shen Shu, Zuo An, Guang Han, Wei Yi, Wu Wei, etc. He Existed from 1884 to 1919, originated from Yi Zheng, Jiang Su. In the short period of 36 years, Liu have achieved much in his life. The studious family background of imperial scholars in three generations influenced him greatly. In addition, times change also influenced him. As he often leverages on studies for political discussion, he was well known among the common folks and predominately called upon as Master Chinese Master Chinese Literature Studies and Asian Rousseau. His vast work includs Classical, Politics, Literature, Arts, Drama, etc. Because of the studious family, Confucianism influenced him most. Therefore this study aims to investigate Liu's exploration and research of Confucianism. According to Liu Shen Shu Posthumous Papers which is edited by Qian Xuan Tong, it divides into six types. Liu shi pei's works mainly founded on practicality, regardless of politics, education, popularization, and promotion of the Chinese culture. He took Confucianism as the thought core. To comprehend his Confucianism thought would bring more clarity into his academic thoughts. In classical aspect, he thought that Confucianism and classical are very hard to differentiate, he went on to explain further on the issues of Confucius not changing the system, the six Confucius classics, and Confucius reluctance to establish a religion. In political aspect, he based on Confucius' thoughts of barbarian expulsion and proposed equality. In literature aspect, he thought that literature must be classified, especially by article source and course. In arts aspect, he thought that Confucianism has preserved the Chinese arts. In drama aspect, because Confucius reorganizes the poem to enable the poem to have play's embryonic form. The study of Confucianism by Liu Shipei may be divided into three parts. first, by motive, He felt that the biggest goal of study lies in the utilization. Second, by evidence, no matter is doing scholarly research or the work must by the evidence primarily. Third, from significance, displays the academic significance fusion in the life is the complete thought system. Thoughts in the early and later period may vary, his thought serve as an objective for the livehood of people and preserved culture.


Liu shipei Confucianism Classical Politics Literature


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《韓昌黎文集校注》 韓 愈著 閻 琦校注 西安 三秦出版社 2004年12月

