  • 學位論文


The study of “interactive between student method” for teaching Chinese vocabularies – for intermediate level students

指導教授 : 崔成宗


近年來由於華語學習熱潮的興起,對於華語教學的研究日漸受到重視。以往人們總認為要學好一種語言就要先學好語法,說出語法正確的詞句才能達到溝通的目的,但經由教學實證發現,詞彙教學必須優先於語法教學,在溝通交際的實際環境中,詞彙比語法更重要,詞彙可以單獨成句,完成溝通的目的,而語法沒有詞彙就不能單獨運用,所以詞彙教學研究逐漸成為華語教學研究的一個重要部分。 本文在前人研究的基礎上,以詞本位教學理論為核心,輔以字本位教學理論及語素本位理論,並配合學習者的學習策略,設計出一種創新有效的詞彙教學法-「學生互動式教學法」,期望使學生的詞彙量及運用詞彙的能力,在聽、說、讀、寫各方面都能得到明顯的提升。 本文第一章介紹詞彙教學在華語教學中的地位、影響華語詞彙教學的因素及目前所面臨的問題和當前詞彙教學研究的現況。第二章介紹詞彙教學的內容及原則、詞彙教學的各個層面並討論各種教學理論。第三章說明詞彙教學的功能及目的,介紹目前常用的詞彙教學法及教學技巧。第四章說明學習策略與教學設計的關係及其應用。第五章根據新的詞彙教學理念並綜合各教學法的優點,設計創新有效的「學生互動式教學法」,擬訂教學策略及設計教學活動、計畫教學流程,於課堂實施後評估教學成效,取得學生意見回饋及檢討實際成效。第六章探討此一教學法對外籍生學習中級華語詞彙的幫助及限制,以供第一線華語教師做為教學的參考。 「學生互動式教學法」立基在既有的教學理論及教學法上,期望能開創更新、更有效的詞彙教學法,以幫助學生更快、更有效的習得。


More and more international students study Mandarin Chinese as their second language. This is the reason why there is more attention about Mandarin Chinese language teaching now. It was believed that grammars are the first priority for leaning a second language. However, passed experiences showed that vocabularies are more important than grammars. Vocabularies can help communication, but grammars don’t. Single vocabulary could be a complete or independent statement, but grammars don’t if no any vocabulary used. This is the reason why the studies of vocabulary teaching becomes an important topic in Mandarin Chinese teaching. Based on the theories of both word-based-teaching and vocabulary-based-teaching, the author of this article is trying to propose a new and effective vocabulary-bases-teaching practice. We call it “Interactive Between Student Method”. This new method helps students in their capabilities of vocabulary number, and application of the vocabularies. This improvements can be observed in listening, speaking, reading, and writing areas. The factors for a successful vocabulary-based-teaching are reviewed in 1st part of this article. The theories, rationales, contexts and practices for vocabulary-based-teaching are discussed the 2nd and 3rd parts in this article. The strategies for Mandarin Chinese teaching are described in the 4th part. The design, practice, analyze, results and feedbacks from the students for “Interactive Between Student Method” are reviewed in the 5th part of this article. Finally, we have an overall discussion of this new practice. This including the benefit and limitation of new practice. Hopefully this new practice can provide ideas to all Mandarin Chinese teachers. We also hope all students can get benefits from this new practice.


1.Vivian Cook著,王初明導讀:《語言學和第二語言習得》,北京:外語教學與研究出版社,1997年7月。
