  • 學位論文


The Usability Testing of Computer-Based Tests System- A Case Study “A Web-based Examination System for Junior High School Students in Taoyuan County”

指導教授 : 沈俊毅


透過測驗,教師可以掌握學生的學習狀況,亦可診斷出學生學習的盲點,做為改進教學方式或學生修正學習方式的指標。 結合科技與網路,電腦化測驗系統展現了不同於傳統測驗的優勢,如:不受時間限制隨時可以做評量、依學生不同程度進行不同評量內容、評量結果可由電腦直接統計分析立即回報、可迅速處理大量答案…等,都讓電腦化測驗系統廣泛的運用在教育界。而當電腦化測驗系統廣為建置與推廣之際,在系統操作上是否符合使用者的需求與認知,以達到系統最大功能,值得探討分析。 由使用效能相關文獻可知,一個具有使用效能的系統,必須能讓使用者順利完成工作,並且對整個操作過程感到滿意;由其電腦化測驗系統更應針對教師與學生的不同角色,在操作上滿足不同的需求,以達到容易學習、操作且具效率的系統環境。本研究旨在了解「電腦化測驗系統」的使用效能情況,故以「桃園縣國中生網路檢測系統」為例,運用使用效能評估方法進行評估,歸納實驗結果後提出建議。為達上述目的,在本論文中,先探討國內外使用效能相關文獻,了解使用效能的原理原則與評估方法,藉以歸納出實驗方式與流程。 本研究透過六名教師執行八項工作任務與六名學生執行六項工作任務,受試者操作過程均透過Morae Recorder側錄軟體記錄受試者的操作歷程,另使用Morae Management軟體將側錄檔案轉換成數據資料,作為結果分析;另每一位受試者在完成任務後,須針對各項任務以主觀感受進行難易度之評分,並進行單一訪談以深入了解教師與學生在實際操作系統時所遭遇之困難與感受,進而對系統提出使用效能修正與建議。 研究發現,在教師管理功能中,以「建立學生帳號」功能最為困難,操作難易度平度數達4.33,經分析後可得,該系統功能因繁雜且具專業性步驟,故對一般教師而言實為困難。在學生測驗功能中,則以「至討論區發表新主題」最為困難,難易度平度數達3.67,經分析後可得,該系統功能因放置於「最新消息」中,與大部份使用者之認知有極大落差,故造成無法順利進入討論區的窘境。另針對整個系統在使用效能表現上而言,則歸納出修正系統介面活潑度、明確標示可以點選的物件與改善字體大小排列等建議。 根據研究結果,提出對電腦化測驗系統進行使用效能評估後之設計修正建議,與提供後續研究建議,期望國人更加重視電腦化測驗系統的設計要點,以符合使用效能之議題,提昇測驗系統之成效。


Teachers can observed students’ learning status, and also can find their perplexing from the test system. It can be an indication to improve Teaching and Learning. When technology and internet integrate, there are many advantages on computer-based tests system, it is different to before. For example, it can test at anytime or it can depend on students’ level to use different assessment, and the result is immediately report from computer-analyzed, and this software can quickly handle a large number of answers ...etc. Therefore, computer-based test system deserves to be discussions and analyses because it has set and widely used in education, and the system operates whether users fit their requirements and cognitions to achieve maximum system performance. According to literatures show that the usability of a system must allow users easy to finish their work and all of operation process should be satisfaction. Especially in computer-based test system that focused on setting different pattern for teachers and students in satisfaction because they have different necessary. To make this system is easy to learning and work, and be efficient system program. This study aimed to understand "computer-based tests system" of usability testing situation, a case study "A web-based examination system for junior high school students in taoyuan county ", use of usability testing, to summarize results and make recommendations. As achieved above purpose, in this paper star to explore the usability testing to its related documents, and understand the usability testing principles and evaluative methods for induce experimental methods and processes. In the study, there were six teachers participating in eight tasks and six students took part in six tasks. All participators operate process to through Morae Recorder that is observation software to record all of courses for every participator. As well, there used Morae Management to convert the observation software into data information for result analysis. After finishing the task, every participator needs to give their feeling to score by all the tasks. Moreover, it can use an interview to understand about teachers and students of experiences which kind of difficult positions and feeling during their operating, and then revise and suggest this system. The research discovery of the teacher’s management functions that "create student account" is the most difficult; the average score in operating is 4.33. Regarding with analysis, the system function was multifarious and professional, hence, it was difficult to general teachers. The test by students who "post a new topic in discussion area" is the most difficult to answer. The average score in operating is 3.67. Due to the system of function setting in “News” service, it has difference cognition by most of users, so that students were not easy to find this area for discussion. As a result, it displays the whole system on usability testing should be revising system interface on bright and click on object can be clear and improve the font size、align…ect. According to the result, this essay will supply some amendments, after this system evaluation. And also, this essay will provides some suggestions for following research. So the study hopes to people pay more attention and focus on this system of program features to advance the topic.


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