  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Relationship Management and Customer Service Center for Non-Life Insurance

指導教授 : 廖述源


由於科技進步,企業之間產品差異日漸縮小,使得服務成為企業維繫客戶與增加競爭力關鍵,顧客關係管理觀念隨著受到重視,因此各種產業紛紛成立客戶服務中心來服務客戶。對企業而言,顧客是企業中最重要資產,同時亦是決定企業生存或淘汰關鍵所在,外加上市場全球化,如何先馳得點獲得顧客青睞,與顧客建立良好互動關係及增加企業利潤,皆有賴顧客關係管理與客服中心之建置與推行運用。 而在費率自由化後,各家產險公司保費不再受費率規章限制,產險業於此階段是否能穩定經營,除了需在商品及價格提升競爭力外,另外有效做好顧客關係管理,並以優質客戶服務爭取保戶認同,更是此費率自由化階段刻不容緩工作,若是能有效做好顧客關係管理,以優質客戶服務爭取客戶認同,則不僅能在費率自由化之競爭下脫穎而出,更有機會進軍國際市場爭取更大發展空間。 本研究整理過去對於顧客關係管理、客服中心研究之文獻,針對我國產業及主要國家顧客關係管理與客服中心之概況做實例說明;另外,基於過去文獻中甚少針對產險業之顧客關係管理與客服中心做探討,因此本研究進一步探討產險業顧客關係管理及客服中心之概況,最後經訪談對於國內個案產險公司顧客關係管理與客服中心執行內容與導入現況分析。


Due to the advanced technology, the diminishing difference among products makes services the key to maintain clients and to enhance competitiveness of enterprises. The concept of customer relationship management has been valued heavily and therefore various industries established customer service centers for their clients. Since customers are the most important assets and also the key for companies to survive or to be eliminated, with the market becoming more and more globalized, how to aggressively get customers’ attention and build up good interactive relationship to increase profits depends on customer relationship management and the establishment and operation of customer service center. After deregulation of rates, premiums of non-life insurance companies are no longer regulated by laws. At this stage, business stability of non-life insurance companies relies not only on their product and price competitiveness, but also on good customer relationship management. Utilizing excellent customer services to win clients’ approval is what the companies should immediately start at this stage. If the customer relationship management can be done effectively, and good customer services can be implemented to win clients’ approval, companies will win in this competitive rates deregulation situation and furthermore will have the chance to expand their territory into the world market. This paper organized past researches on customer relationship management and customer service center to demonstrate the general situation of customer relationship management and customer service center in Taiwan and other major countries. Also, due to the lack of discussion on customer relationship management and customer service center in non-life insurance industry, this paper approaches the general situation of customer relationship management and customer service centers in non-life insurance industry in Taiwan. Finally, current situation of customer relationship management and services implemented in customer service centers of domestic non-life insurance companies are analyzed through interviews with individual cases.


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27.溫蕙新,第三代行動通訊的知覺品質、知覺犧牲、知覺價值、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度對再購意願的影響研究- 以大台北地區為例,大同大學事業經營研究所碩士論文,2009年。
