  • 學位論文


Using Wireless Sensing Technology for Locating the Sensors Location at Farm

指導教授 : 陳瑞發


近年來隨著物聯網與無線感測網路的興起,智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧農業…等的應用逐漸蓬勃,但感測器的佈建與維護常常會需要消耗大量的人力。 在智慧農業中,我們會將感測器放置在農田裡,但農夫常常需要犁田與翻土,這時感測器的佈建與維護則是一個很大的問題。在翻土時農夫需要自行將感測器回收,結束後再將感測器放置到原本的位置,而且在農地惡劣的環境下感測器很容易損毀,農夫或系統管理者必須自行檢查感測器狀態,使維護所耗費的人力成本相當的高。 因此,本研究目的為透過三角定位演算法自動推估感測器的所在位置,並加入容錯的能力,在定位時若發生參考點異常的狀況,本研究提出的演算法能夠自動校正定位結果,提高定位正確率,並且自動找出錯誤參考點,減少迴護所需的人力成本。


Application of Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks in smart home, smart city and wisdom agriculture have thrived nowadays. Life and work become convenient and easy with technology. In wisdom agriculture, sensor deployment is a critical issue because it affects the cost and detection capability of a wireless sensor network. When the sensor is used for a long time, it may wear to get incorrect values. However, it takes lots effort to find out and reset the broken one. This paper mainly focuses on solving the problem of sensors maintenance and deployment. Through the Triangle localization algorithm accurately localizes sensors and Fault-Tolerance automatically correct the error value of reference points, this study improves the accuracy of positioning as well as lower the cost of maintenance.


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