  • 學位論文


To Discuss the Main Problem of Relations across the Taiwan Strait from Historical Experience of Confrontation between Qing and Ming-Zheng

指導教授 : 克思明


本文係針對現今台海兩岸關係中的癥結部分進行研究,採取歷史比較的觀點,尋求更貼近兩岸關係各種面向的觀察視角,因此植基於眾多面向可比性的清鄭對峙便成為可資提供歷史經驗的最佳選擇。 全文結構先對發生於十七世紀中葉的清朝與明鄭對峙局勢進行歷史事實的蒐集並總結抽繹出相關命題的歷史經驗,繼而以這些命題作為探討現今兩岸歷史變遷的槓桿,進行古今的對比。同樣地,也以這些新獲得的觀點再去反思清鄭對峙的歷史及發展結果,以確認這些命題的可驗證性。最終目的,則在於嘗試從清鄭對峙中總結歷史經驗以找出現今台海兩岸關係的癥結所在。 清鄭對峙的歷史可以從三個面向來加以考察,首先是清鄭對峙時期的國際局勢,考察當時清鄭雙方與外國勢力間相互的主被動關係與介入深淺;其次是清鄭之間的議和內涵,探討當時清鄭和戰關係的議和面向,明鄭如何由主動而最終陷於被動;最後則是實力變化與歷史終局,著重討論明鄭一方的實力變化軌跡與因盲動與內耗所造成的實力萎縮。 針對上述三個命題,清鄭對峙的歷史經驗可以有如下的總結:一是在特定競爭場域中之保有主動權,二是在談判過程中以優勢爭取最大空間與有利條件,三是整合的內部有利於對外而分裂與盲動則有害。而現今台海兩岸關係的癥結則集中體現為:第一,是否有能力在錯綜複雜的國際環境中掌握主動權?第二,雙方各有期待的落差有多大?調和的可能性如何?第三,兩岸雙方,特別是台灣,其內部力量是否能集中並致力於同一價值的追求?


兩岸關係 清朝 明鄭 三不 不薙髮 歷史經驗


This article is specific for the problem between Taiwan and Mainland China which has exited for a long time. For searching a better observation about the relationship between Taiwan and Mainland, we use the comparative history view. Therefore, based on various observations, we find that the confliction between Ching dynasty and Zheng can provide the best resource. The structure of this discourse is that we try to find out the relative historic experience from the history fact of Taiwan and Mainland China in 17th century. And according to this experience, we compare the difference of the present and past. Then we can get new point of view. The final goal is to find out the sticking point between Taiwan and Mainland China. There are three different views of observations in Ching Dynasty and Zheng period. First, the international condition at that moment and how much the international power get involved in both sides Second, the content of Qing and Ming-Zheng’s contract and the peace issue, also the change from positive role to passive. Finally, it’s the power change of both sides, especially Ming-Zheng. We will discuss the decline of Ming-Zheng which is because of its inner confliction and disorder. Above the three points, we can get some conclusions. First, in certain area, control the leading role. Second, in negotiation, make most use of its advantage to get the most benefit. Third, consolidate is benefit, otherwise, separate is harmful. Compare the present relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China to the past. The key point is 1. If they can take control in international relationship. 2. How different of their expectation and if it’s possible to compromise. 3. Both sides, especially Taiwan, if it can gather all the efforts on certain value.


