  • 學位論文

布爾喬亞〈資產階級〉對社會文化發展之影響─ 以墨西哥為例

A Study on the influence of bourgeoisie to the development of social culture . A case study of Mexico.

指導教授 : 陳小雀


墨西哥的社會文化向來以多采多姿稱著,墨西哥的人民很幸福地可以擁有美麗豐富的社會生活。其實在這豐富社會文化的背後,深藏的一群墨西哥人民最需要感謝的人們,ㄧ群影響牽引墨西哥社會文化的重要角色,布爾喬亞〈現在通稱為資產階級或中產階級〉。因為在墨西哥布爾喬亞的影響下,墨西哥人民可以享受到以往皇室貴族才能享受到的生活品質;在布爾喬亞的牽引下,墨西哥的人民才能有機會能欣賞階數藝術的丰采。布爾喬亞在墨西哥的社會裡,扮演著中間者的角色,將許多原本屬於上流階層的生活習尚,慢慢地垂直向下散佈,間而影響墨國人民,進而逐漸形成墨西哥人民生活習慣,成為墨西哥社會文化的一部份。 這群墨西哥的布爾喬亞,在歷史上比較明顯的活動時期始自西元十八世紀,法國等歐洲文化大舉入侵墨西哥時,到了迪亞士執政期間,布爾喬亞逐漸嶄露頭角,而在西元一九一0年墨西哥大革命爆發到一九四0年革命結束之間,則是墨西哥布爾喬亞活動最頻繁、最活耀的時候,當時的影響力也是最大的。 墨西哥布爾喬亞在墨西哥的歷史上ㄧ路走來,帶給墨西哥人民的是無遠弗界的深刻影響。舉凡日常生活的食、衣、住、行到生活育樂,處處都可窺見布爾喬亞們走過的歷史見證,都可以感受到布爾喬亞們帶給墨西哥人民的貢獻。當墨國人民手端著咖啡,悠閒的漫步在墨國的街頭巷窄,觀賞著前人所留下來的壁畫藝術時,應該要想起的是墨西哥布爾喬亞們的貢獻與影響。 本篇論文,將藉由墨西哥的日常生活育樂和藝術文化,來窺視分析布爾喬亞為墨西哥社會文化所帶來的影響。並以法國社會學家布爾迪厄對資產的理論見解,定義與研究資產階級。


Mexico for many people is an exotic, strange place. It is a land of fine beaches and of Latin rhythms, the home of the legendary Pancho villa, of romantic and revolutionary ballads, of the moustaches, huge sombreros, tortillas, and tamales. It is a land of Indian and ancient ruins. Mexico is a city full of culture surprise and easily perceptible in their daily life. By this idea, we find out the Mexican social culture is affected by many elements and one of those powerful influence is called “ Bourgeoisie” Bourgeoisie is a French word. The early Anglicization "burgess" is derived from the old French burgeis (Cf. Also middle English: burgeis, burges, borges is equal to the inhabitant of a city or village). In the French feudal order, "bourgeois" was formally a legal category in society, defined by conditions such as length of residence and source of income. In the early Middle Ages, as cities were forming, growing and emerging, artisans and tradesmen began to emerge as an economic force. They formed guilds, associations and companies to conduct business and promote their own interests. These people were the original bourgeoisie. In the late Middle Ages, they allied with the kings in uprooting the feudalist system, gradually becoming the ruling class in industrialised nation-states. In the 17th and 18th century, they generally supported the American revolution and French revolution in overthrowing the laws and privileges of the absolutist feudal order, clearing the way for the rapid expansion of commerce. The word evolved to mean merchants and traders, and until the 19th century was mostly synonymous with the middle class (persons in the broad socioeconomic spectrum between nobility and serfs or proletarians). Then, as the power and wealth of the nobility faded in the second half of the 19th century, the bourgeoisie emerged as the new ruling class This case study is focusd on the influnce of bourgeoise in Mexican social culture. We can analiyze it with two aspects. One is thoes wealthy burgeoise, who imitate and bring different customs and habits from upper class to the public. The other one is those burgeoise based on the sociologist Bourdieu Pierre, who make the theater、orchestra、wall paintings and many kinds of art activity generalized to give all the mexcican people to appreciate. The thoery of Bourdieu Pierre is adopted throgh this analysis. We will see the bourgeoise from the new vision.


Mexico Bourgeoisie Class Mexican Revolution Social Culture


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Eduardo Navarrete, Jorge y De Gamboa, Sara Susana L. Mexico ( Mexico: Banco Nacional De Comercio Exterior, 1960)。
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