  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Inter-cultural Problems on Translating Traditional Taiwanese Festival into Spanish

指導教授 : 黃翠玲
共同指導教授 : 吳寬


臺灣的傳統節慶文化在臺灣的文化歷史中扮演著相當重要的角色,本論文欲藉由臺灣特有傳統節慶文化的翻譯研究讓更多西語系國家人士透過他們熟悉的語言來認識臺灣。本論文將以文化視角的翻譯理論與文化差異面向來探討與分析臺灣現有的節慶翻譯文章中的跨文化問題,藉由本論文的探討與分析,希望能從中得知臺灣現有的節慶翻譯文章產生哪些跨文化的問題、譯者在翻譯時面臨哪些難題、該譯文是否能對西語系國家人士產生幫助與起使的作用、他們是否能從中得知正確的文化知識。希冀透過此研究能解決翻譯時遇到的傳遞遺失與錯誤,並從中了解到這項翻譯活動對傳遞臺灣文化的幫助與重要性,進而了解到是否會讓西語系國家人士對於認識更多的臺灣文化產生興趣,以增進他們來台觀光的意願。預期得到正面的結果,以助於提升我國更多相關網頁以及報章雜誌增設西班牙文版本的機會,讓廣大的西語使用者有更多管道能夠接觸到臺灣文化,讓我們的文化觸角延伸至世界各地。 本論文共分為六個章節,第一章緒論闡述研究動機與目的及研究方法與範圍;第二章到第五章為本論文主體,第二章介紹五項節慶;第三章探討跨文化交際與翻譯之間的關係,並以跨文化視角來談節慶翻譯以及翻譯障礙;第四章進行節慶翻譯的實例分析,分析譯文的翻譯方法與策略、錯誤與遺失;第五章為問卷結果與分析,欲從中分析出臺灣現有節慶翻譯文章對西語系國家人士的助益或障礙為何;第六章結論為本論文之研究發現與結果。


The culture of traditional taiwanese festival plays an important role in taiwanese cultural history. The culture of taiwanese festival is different from the culture of western festival, so it’s very difficult to understand the cultural connotation for the foreigners. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the inter-cultural problems on translating traditional taiwanese festival into spanish. By the discussion and analysis of the thesis, we hope to know the inter-cultural problems in the traditional taiwanese festival translation and what problems the translators faced with when translating. Besides, we hope to know how to resolve the lose and mistake of cultural transmission. In addition, it includes whether the readers can understand the importance of traditional taiwanese festival and if they are interested in learning more informations of taiwanese culture after reading the articles translated. The thesis contains six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which shows the motivation, the objective, and the methodology. The second chapter introduces five traditional taiwanese festival that the investigator chooses. The third chapter describes the relationship between intercultural communication and the translation. Besides, it also explains the traditional taiwanese festival translation and the barrier of translation by the point of view of inter-cultural. The fourth chapter analyses the inter-cultural problems on translating traditional taiwanese festival into spanish. The fifth chapter is about the result and analysis of questionnaire, which explains the help and barrier of the articles translated for the foreigners. The last part is the conclusion which is the result of the thesis.


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