  • 學位論文


A Study of Fair Use on the Legal Deposit System of E-Book

指導教授 : 邱炯友


出版品是保存人類文明重要的工具,國家圖書館則肩負著典藏國家文化的重要角色,為了能完整典藏國家文獻與知識,強制出版商提供其出版品予國家圖書館或機構進行典藏,為出版品送存制度的初衷。 本研究以文獻探討分析各國法定送存執行的現況與方式、法定送存制度執行的困難與爭議、送存出版品合理使用情形。並以深度訪談調查送存圖書館館員與電子書出版廠商對於電子書法定送存制度之看法與意見,綜合研究結果以供未來國內電子書法定送存制度改善之參考。 本研究結論如下: 一、 各國以圖書館法、著作權法、送存專章法律等規範送存制度 二、 各國於著作權法規範圖書館合理使用範圍,僅英國與澳洲北領地以送存專章法律規範合理使用範圍 三、 國家圖書館藉由「數位出版品平台系統」管理電子書送存 四、 國內電子書出版廠商對法定送存疑慮源於不了解電子書送存制度之流程 本研究建議如下: 一、 提供送存之誘因 二、 制定給出版廠商之送存制度執行指南或辦法 三、 持續與出版廠商溝通 四、 送存典藏單位相互協調 五、 增加送存出版品合理使用範圍 六、 修定法定送存相關法律或擬定法定送存專章法律


Legal deposit is an important way to archive document and knowledge of a nation. However, the information technology and internet change the carriers of publications. This research takes an extensive literature review for analyzing the way of implementation of legal deposit system, the problems of legal deposit legislation, and the fair use of the legal deposit publications in foreign present situation. Then this study adopts in-depth interview to investigate the opinions on e-book legal deposit of deposit librarian and e-book publishing companies. The survey and findings provide reference for improving the implementation of e-books legal deposit system in the future. The conclusions are as follow: 1. Many countries use library law, copyright law, and deposit law to stipulate for legal deposit system. 2. Many countries use copyright law to stipulate for fair use in library, only the United Kingdom and Northern Territory use deposit law to stipulate for fair use in library. 3. National Central Library manages the legal deposit e-book by E-Publication Platform System (EPS). 4. E-book publishing companies fear of confusing the way of e-book legal deposit. The suggestions are as follow: 1. Provide the cause of legal deposit. 2. Establish the guidelines of legal deposit for e-book publishing companies. 3. Continuously communicate with e-book publishing companies. 4. Deposit libraries should coordinate with each other. 5. Add the fair use scope of legal deposit e-book. 6. Revise the law relating to the legal deposit system or legislate for deposit law.


E-book Legal Deposit System Fair Use Library Law


