  • 學位論文


A study on the policies of initial teacher training in Taiwan-an exploration of the problems of student recruitment of initial teacher training at the secondary education level

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要透過文件分析法及訪談法蒐集我國師資培育政策相關資料,以瞭解與探討我國師資培育中等教育學程招生問題,採用自行設計之訪談大綱為研究工具,實地訪談3位專家學者及4所師資培育機構主任或專任教師。主要之研究目的包含: 一、瞭解歷年來我國師資培育政策之重要改革與發展沿革。 二、瞭解師資培育評鑑對招生的影響。 三、探討影響我國師資培育招生之因素及其面臨的問題。 四、瞭解中等教育學程近年來之招生問題。 五、根據研究結果,提出可供未來相關政策改革參考之建議。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、從民國83年開始,我國師資培育制度由一元化朝向多元化發展,使得師資培育機構數與學生數快速擴充。 二、影響我國師資培育招生因素,包括多元化政策施行後師資生快速擴充、少子女化趨勢下師資需求之降低與產生教職僧多粥少現象。 三、我國師資培育在朝向多元化發展的過程中,政府相關政策亦進行因應之變革。 四、94學年度開始透過師資培育評鑑,教育部已減少師資培育招生人數。 五、各大學校院中等教育學程之招生人數逐漸減少,除因評鑑結果不佳要求減招或停招者外,亦有不堪經營壓力,主動申請退場。 六、案例大學師資培育中心招生情況前幾年曾歷經困境,近年來已漸趨好轉。 七、案例大學師資培育中心招生甄選規定會依當年報名人數彈性調整。 八、受訪者針對我國目前師資培育政策有正、反兩面之看法。 九、受訪者針對我國師資培育政策給予未來改革之參考意見。


This study, by adopting the methods of document analysis and field interview, aims to explore the problems of student recruitment for initial teacher training at the secondary level in Taiwan, for which a self-designed semi-structured interview schedule was used as the tool. The main conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The system of initial teacher training in Taiwan has transformed to a diversified one since 1994, and the number of students taking initial teacher training has increased greatly as a result of the changes in government’s policies for diversified enrollment. 2. The numbers of students recruited for initial teacher training in each universities should be approved by the Ministry of Education, according to the results of evaluation of the performance of their teacher training centers started from 2005, which, in along with the close down of teacher training centers in some universities voluntarily, have resulted in a sharp decline in the number of students recruiting for initial teacher training in recent decades. 3. Factors affecting the number of students taking initial teacher training education have been various, of them, the rapid expansion of teacher education centers, and the decline of youth population caused by the low fertility rate, as well as the correspondingly declining demand for teachers in schools are the most influential ones. 4. The four universities interviewed as the case study samples in this study, have all faced the difficulties attracting students taking initial training, but their problems of recruiting students in the recent years have been gradually solved. 5. The regulations of selecting students taking initial teacher training programs in these 4 case-study universities will be modified according to the numbers of applicants accordingly. 6. The interviewees of this study have different views about the policies of teacher education in Taiwan, so that they have thereby proposed different suggestions to the future policy reform related.




