  • 學位論文

一體機電腦電源干擾EN55022 ISN解決方案

All in one PC power interference EN55022 ISN solution

指導教授 : 劉寅春


現今消費性電子產品設計朝向高速處理器、高能源轉換效率及高傳輸速度為主要趨勢,其中電子零件為了更高速的需求,則降低工作電壓,但也因此使得系統的耐受干擾能力為之降低;另一方面,為了更佳的能源轉換效率,更換高效率的電路設計與元件,同時,也伴隨著更高的工作雜訊。 本論文針對All in one(AIO)電腦電源供應器在DC轉DC時所產生低頻雜訊傳導耦合至LAN網路,進而影響網路性能之問題為研究主題。針對此問題,我們建構一套診斷方法與分析流程,其中步驟為:一、根據ISN量測設計簡易的量測,判斷是否為系統雜訊;二、藉由切斷路徑、更換元件兩種方式以確認干擾源與干擾路徑;三、對干擾路徑實驗濾波電路。以上流程之優點可找出有效降低雜訊干擾,通過靜電測試並廣泛利用的解決方案。


The purpose of this thesis studies the affecting issue of network performance for All-in-one PC by power supply. The power supply in DC to DC produces the conduction of low-frequency noise that coupled the LAN network, and then affect network performance. The study based on a set of analysis methods and process. The research process is following below step. 1. According to the data of ISN measurement, we determined a signal from All-in-one PC whether is a noise. 2. By disconnecting circuit and replacing components, we found that the source of interference and the interference path. 3. We experiment a filter circuit to the interference path. According the above process, we identify an effective way to reduce noise, passed the static test. Finally, the way could be used extensively.


All in one PC power interference EN55022 ISN RJ45


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