  • 學位論文


The Effect on Customer's Repurchase Intention by Inertia and Satisfaction

指導教授 : 洪英正 汪美伶


根據麥肯錫顧問公司的調查報告顯示,亞洲顧客對銀行的滿意程度普遍偏低,其中,台灣在亞洲的排名倒數第二,僅僅2%的受訪者表示在銀行辦事時曾有過「難忘的愉快經驗」(Raubach, 2005)。然而,不滿意的顧客不一定離開,滿意的顧客也未必持續購買(Mittal & Lassar, 1998)。由於顧客與銀行之間訂有契約的關係,所以發生單一的不滿意事件,不一定會造成顧客的轉換(Gerrard & Cunningham, 2004)。這種現象在國內銀行業務中,尤其以房貸產品最為明顯。房貸顧客經常抱怨貸款利率較其他銀行高、銀行不主動調降利率、以及對顧客降息的請求愛理不理等等,雖然造成顧客滿意度的下滑,卻仍有不少顧客選擇繼續與原貸款銀行往來,究竟是什麼因素造成房貸顧客產生上述非理性之行為,有待我們去作深入的研究。 本研究主要在探討銀行房貸顧客的關係慣性與滿意度之關係,以及兩者對顧客再購意願之影響情形。對顧客而言,高度的重複消費行為究竟是顧客滿意度高的必然結果,抑或反而是關係慣性的行為所導致呢﹖本研究採網路問卷方式,主要以大台北地區的銀行房貸顧客為訪問對象回收159份有效問卷,藉由項目分析、因素分析、迴歸分析、相關分析、 t檢定及變異數分析等統計方法來驗證各項假設,研究結果如下: 一、關係慣性對再購意願有顯著正向影響。 二、顧客滿意度對再購意願有顯著正向影響。 三、關係慣性與顧客滿意度對再購意願有顯著正向影響,關係慣性較滿意度對顧客再購意願的正向影響更為顯著。 四、關係慣性與顧客滿意度間存有顯著正向關係。 五、不同人口統計變項之銀行房貸顧客在關係慣性、滿意度及再購意願上均無顯著差異。 由研究結果證實,在銀行房貸顧客的再購意願影響上,關係慣性較滿意度對顧客再購意願的正向影響更為顯著,此論述於目前的研究上較少有學者提出類似觀點,本研究結果或可提供予學術上或企業界作為未來研究方向或經營之參考。另建議銀行業者或其他企業在運用其資源分配時,可多將企業的有限資源投注在強化消費者的關係慣性上,而非一昧地侷限於提升顧客的滿意度。


According to McKinsey & Company report, Asian customers on the banks of satisfaction are generally in low level, Taiwan is the penultimate country by the rank in Asia, only 2% of respondents had "pleasant memorable experience" while receiving banking services (Raubach, 2005). However, the unsatisfied customer do not definitely leave, satisfied customers may not continue to purchase (Mittal & Lassar, 1998). Because there is a contract relation between the customer and the bank, therefore one single event will not necessarily result in customer conversion (Gerrard & Cunningham, 2004). For this kind of phenomenon in the domestic bank service in Taiwan, the most obvious is by the mortgage product. The customer complain frequently includes that the mortgage rates is higher than other banks, banks do not to lower down the interest rates initiatively, as well as to ignore the customer’s request to reduce the interest rate and so on, although all these resulting decline in customer satisfaction, but there are still many customers choose to continue on the original loan banking. What factors caused mortgage customers to have the irrational behavior of the above are waiting for us to take in-depth research. This study explore the relationship between Inertia and Satisfaction of bank mortgage customers, and the impact on the customer repurchase intention. To the customer, highly repetitive consumer behavior is the inevitable result of high customer satisfaction , or instead of being an inertia behavior? The questionnaire survey was by electronic way, the sample is the bank mortgage customers in Taipei area, 159 questionnaires were recovered, and analyzing the data by item analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, and analysis of variance to verify many hypotheses. The results are as below: 1. The Inertia has a significant positive impact on consumer repurchase intention. 2. Customer's satisfaction has a significant positive impact on consumer repurchase intention. 3. The inertia and customer's satisfaction both have significant positive impact on consumer repurchase intention. But inertia has more significant positive impact than customer's satisfaction on repurchase intention. 4. The Inertia has a significant positive impact on customer's satisfaction. 5. There’s no any significant difference on the Inertia, customer's satisfaction, and repurchase intention by different demographics variables of bank mortgage customers. Confirmed by the findings, based on the customer’s repurchase intention, inertia has more significant positive impacts than customer's satisfaction, this result on current researches, scholars have less advocate such viewpoints, the results of this study could provide an new approach for academic research or management of the future. It is also proposed that banking or other businesses when use its resource allocation, it will be better to invest on strengthening of consumer inertia instead of improving customer satisfaction by limited resources.


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