  • 學位論文


The anti-terrorism copperation between the United States and the South East Asia (2001-2008)

指導教授 : 林若雩


冷戰時期,東南亞在美、蘇兩極勢力的抗衡之下,藉由集體安全模式,發展出東協來對抗當時的共產主義,在與美國軍事合作之下,東南亞的區域安全因而受到保障。而在後冷戰時期,美國勢力抽離東南亞的情況之下,東協國家面臨了安全的考驗,企圖拉攏區域大國制衡,來保障東南亞的安全。 九一一事件發生後,區域局勢再次產生變化,美國在東南亞區域開啟反恐第二戰場,促成美國與東協在東南亞的合作機會,以徹底打擊恐怖主義份子為目標之下,美國與東協國家進行了雙邊或多邊的軍事合作關係,並且將軍事力量滲入東南亞區域。而部份東協國家,對於美國以反恐之名,在東南亞佈署軍隊持反對的立場,認為此舉將為影響東協在區域的領導地位,而中國勢力的崛起下,東協處於美、中兩強之間,如何利用雙方的利害關係,獲得區域的新合作模式,是未來東南亞區域合作的重要方向。 本文主要就幾個面向討論,首先,探討東協的安全觀點與美國的全球戰略演變,瞭解其由冷戰時期迄今的合作走向,其次,探討在九一一事件爆發之後,美國全球反恐的戰略方針下,東協在區域與國家層次上,如何與美國進行合作。最後,討論中國勢力崛起之下,東協如何利用此一情勢,提高本身於區域的領導地位,創造新的東南亞合作模式。最後,就歐巴馬的新反恐戰略對東南亞的影響,做出未來合作模式之預測。


美國 東南亞 反恐


During the Cold War period, under the rival pressures from both America and Russia, South East Asia developed ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) to fight against the Communism at the time by the collective security mode. The safety of the district of East South Asia was guaranteed from the military cooperation with America. However, in the Post Cold War period, since America drew out from East South Asia, the countries of ASEAN had faced the trial of safety. They tried their best to draw big and strong countries in this district to be their sides, in order to protect the safety of East South Asia. After the 911 Issue took place, there was another change in the position of the district. The U.S. opened the Second Battlefield on Terrorism in East South Asia, promoting the cooperated opportunities with ASEAN. The main goal of the cooperation was to defeat the Terrorism and terrorists thoroughly. Under this goal, the U.S. and ASEAN proceeded some military cooperation, and drew military forces into this district. However, some countries from ASEAN are against this action, which America took in the name of war on terrorism. They are of the opinion that it would probably effect the leading role of ASEAN in this district. With the rising force of China, ASEAN is in between the both pressure of the U.S. and China, it is definitely a very important direction to find out the ways to gain a brand new cooperating mode from using the advantages and disadvantages in this regard. This article discusses from few aspects as below: Firstly, it discusses the points of ASEAN’s security and the changing global strategies of America, try to understand the changes of cooperating since the Cold War period. Secondly, it figures out the methods ASEAN should use to cooperate with the U.S. no matter in the level of district or each nation since the happening of “911 Issue” and the policy on Terrorism. Thirdly, the discussion associates with the rising of China forces. How does ASEAN use such position to level up its own leading status in this area and create a latest cooperating mode in Southeast Asia? The last but not the least, I make a forecast about the cooperating mode in the base of the effects that resulted from Obama’s latest strategies on Terrorism.


the U.S. Southeast Asia anti-terrorism


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