  • 學位論文


A Comparison Study on the Financial Operation Mechanisms of Public Universities in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究之研究目的為分析台灣與中國大陸公立大學財務運作機制之現況及困境,進而比較台灣與中國大陸公立大學財務運作機制之異同性,並針對分析結果提出相關建議,以供日後教育行政主管機關作為政策決策之參考。 本研究採取文件分析法、半結構式訪談法及G. Z. F. Bereday之四階段比較研究法為研究方法,以台灣與中國大陸各二所公立大學、台灣教育主管機關相關人員為訪談對象,研究工具為自製之「公立大學校院財務運作機制訪談大綱」。根據文件與訪談資料之詮釋與比較分析的結果,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、兩岸公立大學之財務來源均不再完全依賴政府財政撥款,部分收入來源以學校自籌收入為主。 二、兩岸公立大學之財源結構大同小異,惟台灣於政府撥款上僅列出預算編列部分。 三、兩岸公立大學於自籌收入(不含學雜費)部分,均以建教合作收入( 科研事業收入)所占比例最高。 四、兩岸公立大學學雜費目前均處於凍漲之情況,為求經費充裕,均致力於增加捐贈收入及建教合作收入。 五、兩岸公立大學針對校內硬體基礎建設上,多半均有借貸行為,由於台灣有三方監管,較不易產生呆帳,反之,中國大陸高校貸款則為一大問題。 六、兩岸對於公立大學財務績效責任之作法不同,台灣已列入大學校務評鑑之中進行檢視,中國大陸則尚未有相關檢核辦法。 七、兩岸公立大學對目前財務運作機制之共同困擾為學校經費仍嫌不足,且各校自籌收入多寡不一,會依學校學科類型而異。 八、根據受訪者意見,在未來公立大學財務運作機制發展上,皆期許政府對於校方財務運作能更加鬆綁,且將財務透明化,以達到其績效;另中國大陸方面則特別期許能與台灣相同,制定具有全國一致性之財務運作標準。


The purpose of this study is to analyze and further compare current mechanisms and adversities in public universities in Taiwan and Mainland China, so as to make suggestions for future policy making. This research is based on documentary analysis, semi-structured interview, comparative research methods and data collected from two public universities in Taiwan and two others from Mainland China. Conclusions are as follows: 1. Public universities in Taiwan and Mainland China no longer rely entirely on government subsidy and are increasing their self-raised income. 2. The income structure of Taiwan and Mainland China public universities are similar. 3. Cooperative education programs and scientific research comprise the bulk of self-raised income. 4. With tuition standards intentionally frozen by the administrations, all bi-strait public universities are dedicated to increasing income from personal donations and corporate donations. 5. Bank loans on architectural or land expenditure is a serious problem for public universities in Mainland China because of a lack of strict monitoring. 6. Financial accountability is included in the public university evaluation system in Taiwan, but not in Mainland China. 7. Insufficiency of funding is the major perplex for all bi-strait public universities, and university income differs for different types of university. 8. Financial administrative personnel in Taiwan and Mainland China expect less governmental interference and honest disclosure on financial statements in the future, so as to attain higher efficacy. Furthermore, those who work in Mainland expect a future national financial administrative standard to be enacted in China.


