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Focusing Asia-Pacific:The Obama Administration’s New Strategic Guidance & U.S.-China Game in the South China Sea

指導教授 : 黃介正


2009年7月22日,歐巴馬政府前美國國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)在泰國宣布『美國將重返亞洲』,2012年1月,歐巴馬(Barack Obama)在國會提出的國情咨文也指出,美國是太平洋國家,美國在維護核武安全、打擊貧窮和疾病、壓制敵對美國勢力、和美國道德力量的持續等,『美國回來了』。美國大動作的大張旗鼓宣示其政策,她要用什麼樣的姿態從返亞洲?亞洲的盟國事如何看待美國的《國防戰略綱領》,以及該如何配合其政策?才能與自身的國家安全利益緊密結合。 2012年1月5日歐巴馬總統(Barack Obama)宣佈《國防戰略綱領》(Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense),未來美國的戰略部署將大幅轉向東亞,防範中共勢力擴張,這份文件的內涵包含了政治、經濟、軍事、外交等範疇,有許多人認為這是針對『中國』及『伊朗』,在軍事上最大的目的是要維持自由航行的權利,然而中共因核心利益的擴張為確保其主權而發展『反介入』、『區域拒止』(anti-access, area denial)戰術,而美軍為遂行其海外軍事行動亦提出『空海整體戰』(AirSea Battle)概念。 美、中兩國在南海上均有重大利益,然而『經濟的穩定發展』才能支撐國防建設,美國因金融風暴而影響其經濟動力,因而必須面臨國防轉型;而中國又該如何持續維持經濟發展,才能提升在亞太地區的重要性。兩國在『南海問題』上各持己見,未來兩國的經濟發展,勢必成為會牽動著『南海問題』的重要因素之一。


Former United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has announced “The United States Is Back!” in Thailand on the 22nd of July 2009. “America is a Pacific power. From the coalitions we’ve built to secure nuclear materials, to the missions we’ve led against hunger and disease; from the blows we’ve dealt to our enemies, to the enduring power of our moral example, America is back.” also mentioned in the “State of the Union address” on January 2012. When USA advertised their policy with a great fanfare, in which form would be the most appropriate returning to Asia? Understand the views of Asia allies on the US “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense”, and further gain traction in order to improve national defense and its benefits. On the 5th of January 2012, President Obama, stated in the “Sustaining US Global leadership: Priorities for 21st Century”, the US will transport its strategies camp and base in East Asia to prevent the growth of P.R.C. The contents of the document include politics, economics, military, foreign affairs and offer relation issues. Many might think this is design to against China and Iran, but in military point of view, the main objective is to maintain the rights of Free Navigation. On the other hand, for control assurance over their potential benefits, China developed “anti-access” and “area denial”. The U.S. Army then introduced the concept of “AirSea Battle” to practice and perform mission out to sea. Due to financial and economic crash, the U.S. defense was forced to re-shape evolve. To do so the U.S. must have an increasing and steady economic growth and the south Pacific may be the solution. Same goes for china, how would China status continue its economic growth and raise their importance in the Asia pacific. Therefore, both America and China force could gain great benefits over the issue “South China Sea Dispute” and will have major effect on economic development for both countries in the future.


5. 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室,《2008年中國的國防》(北京:國務院新聞辦公室,2009年)。
6. 中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室,《2010年中國的國防》(北京:國務院新聞辦公室,2011年)。
4. 許志嘉,〈中國新睦鄰外交政策:戰略意涵與作為〉,《遠景基金會季刊》,第7卷,第3期(2007年7月),頁49-50。
7. 楊念祖,〈中共海軍突破第二島鍊爭議的剖析〉,《戰略安全研析》,第52期(2009年8月),頁28-31。
2. Christopher J. Pehreson ,String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power Across the Asian Littoral, p. 1.


