  • 學位論文


The study of China Mainland - Vietnam border trade in the framework of ASEAN+1

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 范錦明


邊境貿易是一個國家對外貿易的重要內容之一,特別是面臨FTA的潮流,如何轉變其增長方式是值得探討的。中國大陸與越南的邊境貿易從1991年恢復以來,得到成倍增長,促進了中越邊境地區的經濟發展。隨著中國大陸-東協自由貿易區的形成,不僅中越兩國經濟受到一定影響,中越邊境貿易也有些改變。本文將進行探討ASEAN+1框架下的中越邊境貿易之發展,從而可以了解到邊境貿易對中越兩國邊境地區經濟的促進, ASEAN+1對邊境貿易產生的巨大影響,邊境地區(特別是口岸)存在的問題,同時也提出解決這些問題的途徑和建議。


Border trade is an important part of one country's external trade, especially once facing with the FTA (Free Trade Area) trend, how to change its growth pattern is very worth exploring. China Mainland and Vietnam resumed border trade in the year of 1991, since then the amount of mutual border trade has been constantly growing, and this promotes economic development in the border areas between China Mainland and Vietnam. As a result of the formation of China Mainland – Asean Free Trade Area, not only the economy of both China Mainland and Vietnam were affected, but China Mainland – Vietnam border trade had some changes also. This thesis will research the development of China Mainland – Vietnam border trade in the ASEAN+1 framework, thereby understanding the promotion of border trade for economic development in China Mainland – Vietnam border areas, looking into how the framework of ASEAN+1 impacts border trade as well as the problems of border areas (especially border ports), and then proposing ways and suggestions to solve these problems also.


6. 趙甦成(2002),「中國大陸西南省區對外貿易發展模式」,台北市:印刻出版社。
3. Framework Agreement on comprehensive economic cooperation between ASEAN and China - 8th ASEAN Summit.
4. IMF - Direction of Trade Statistics Yearbook 2001.
1. 35 năm quan hệ láng giềng gần gũi Việt Nam – Campuchia, Tiến sĩ Vũ Dương Huân. Tạp chí Nghiên cứu quốc tế số 4/2002.
