  • 學位論文


The Study of Ideas and Practice of The Critical Pedagogy of Paulo Freire in Brazil

指導教授 : 王秋絨


本論文分析從拉丁美洲自殖民時期結束以來的社經脈絡,所造成該區域的教育條件之限制,以及在這樣的時空背景之下,巴西弗雷勒批判教育的由來,及該成人識字教育所產生的核心觀點。其中以人性、教育、及知識三大層面來闡述弗雷勒批判教育的理念主軸,以及他自二十世紀中期以來在巴西、智利、美國、瑞士和非洲等新近獨立國所推動的成人識字教育成果,及對巴西民主政治社會化和近代工黨執政所形成的間接影響。 論文中,對於弗雷勒批判教育理念如何經由他在各地的實踐而漸進形成解放式的教育進行了深入的詮釋,除了解放許多在壓迫現實下的被壓迫者意識,更在世界多處展現出他成人識字教育的成效。事實上,弗雷勒可以算得上是拉丁美洲社會裡一個相當具影響力的教育家之一,在他的代表作品之中,其《被壓迫者教育學》一書中,他倡導被壓迫者必須學習教育自己,而非期待由政府體系而來的教育體制。 特別在二十世紀中期以來,弗雷勒接觸到工人階級並且發展出一套以師生互為主體的「提問式對話」識字教學法,透過在該過程中培養師生的「批判意識」,幫助被壓迫者重新看見他們生活周遭的現實。他並結合他在拉丁美洲地區和境外許多國家多年以來的成人識能教育的實踐經驗,強調社會的轉化只能仰賴於中下階層市民意識的提昇。同時在1979年,他結束流亡的命運再度回到母國巴西之時,協助了巴西工黨的創立,間接地也讓巴西的工黨得以更積極地參與巴西政治民主化的進程。


The study examines the ideas and practice of the Brazilian educator, Paulo・Freire (1921-1997) on his critical pedagogy, as developed in the period of mid-twentieth century.In fact, Freire was one of the most famous and influential educators in the Latin American society. In his main representative work, “The Pedagogy of The Oppressed”, has claimed that the oppressed have to learn to educate themselves prior to the government’s educational system. During 1940s, Freire had experienced the reality of the working class and discovered that the problem-posing dialogue between the educational workers and the adult learners was the key to cultivate their critical consciousness, which would help the oppressed to resee the social reality around them. By combining with his own long-term critical adult-literacy practice in Latin America and in other several oversea experiences, he emphasized that social transformation relied on the increasing civic awareness. In 1979, he also helped establish the Working Party in Brazil when he was back in Brazil after his exile. In this thesis, it has analyzed that how Freire’s critical pedagogy had gradually liberated the consciousness of the people in many oppressed contexts, and also what outstanding efforts he had made for the people who had benefited from it around the world. This thesis may present only a bit of Freire’s great effect for nearly half a century, but indeed, it has already given the highest praise to such an extraordinary educator in the Latin American History.


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王秋絨,〈謙遜的鬥士:Paulo Friere的教育勇氣與智慧評述〉,《教育與社會》,16,2008。
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