  • 學位論文


The cooperative operation of lifelong education portal sites: The case of wise.edu.tw

指導教授 : 劉慧娟


隨著入口網站經營發展的成熟,社會教育與入口網站結合,不僅可以讓更多社會大眾了解相關議題,更可藉此推廣其理念,讓終身學習的願景更為落實。本研究採取個案研究法,以教育部「社教博識網」為研究對象,觀察社會教育入口網站經營者與其夥伴機構在網站經營過程中,為維持網站營運所面臨到的問題,及可能的因應之道。 研究結果顯示,社會教育入口網站在合作經營過程中所面臨到的問題,主要會受到合作的意願與態度、內部的調度與應用、以及對外的行銷推廣等方面的影響。首先在合作的意願與態度上,由於各個合作夥伴的合作意願與態度並不一致,加上網站重點以及合作機構的差異,使得社會教育入口網站的合作經營難度增加。因此,建議在建立合作經營的關係時,可先從成立目的與服務對象較為相近的機構開始。基於組織間同質性較高,在長期合作過程中,不僅立場較為一致,也有助於穩固其合作意願與態度。 其次,在內部的調度與應用方面,經濟與人力資源的不足、和負責人員職務界定的混淆,對社會教育入口網站合作經營的順暢都會造成影響。如何更有效地應用有限資源,進而發揮合作經營之綜效,還需要各合作夥伴參與人員進一步的協調溝通。 最後,參與網站合作經營的各夥伴機構對於網站舉辦的行銷推廣活動並不踴躍,是社會教育入口網站在行銷推廣過程時所面臨到的一項危機。因此,參與網站經營的夥伴機構,應扮演積極協助的角色,針對活動訊息的散佈等提供可能的支援。此外,若網站本身在內容方面有所不足,對入口網站而言,亦為行銷推廣過程中相當重大的隱憂。因此,在合作經營社會教育入口網站時,除鼓勵各合作夥伴機構積極參與內容的產製之外,網站經營者亦可自行著手,以拓展更多樣的內容。


Along with the prevalence of the internet and the maturity of managing portal websites, the promotion of lifelong education in a society may well be benefited from the establishment of an integrated portal website. The successful operation of an integrated portal website necessarily requires cooperation between the website operator and the involved partner organizations. The main purpose of this research is to examine potential issues as well as possible solutions in the process of operating and managing an integrated portal website for lifelong education. This research conducted a case study on wise.edu.tw, an official portal website on lifelong education in Taiwan. Research results indicate that cooperative willingness, internal adaptability as well as marketing readiness are the three main factors that may hinder the cooperative operation of a lifelong education portal website. First, the complexity of cooperative operation of the portal website is heightened, primarily because the willingness to cooperate among partner organizations is varied. It is suggested that establishing cooperative relationships among organizations with similar traits and goals warrants the success of an integrated portal website. Second, insufficient resources as well as unclear classification and assignment of tasks within partner organizations would sabotage the successful operation of a lifelong education portal website. How to rearrange and reallocate limited resources efficiently in order to achieve synergy of cooperative operation among multiple partner organizations mandates further careful communication and collaboration. Finally, on the one hand, relatively low participation of involved partner organizations in promoting the portal website, and on the other hand, insufficient content materials in the website itself pose crisis for the operator of the lifelong education portal website. It is recommended that involved partner organizations should actively participate and provide support in carrying out various marketing activities. The operator of the portal website should not only encourage partner organizations to participate vigorously in the production of the content materials for the website, but also endeavor on developing content from within the portal itself.


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