  • 學位論文


The Coast Guard Management of Penghu in Ching Dynasty (1684~1895)

指導教授 : 周宗賢


澎湖,一個位於東太平洋上且先天地理條件無法自給自足的蕞爾小島,靠著其極佳的地理位置,戰略價值不斷地升高,終於登上國際的舞臺。在帆船年代,它是中國沿海居民賴以為生的漁場之一,也是海上航行的重要指標;在海盜橫行的年代,它時而是官方捍衛沿海地區的前哨站,時而又淪為的海盜的淵藪。澎湖是海上貿易的中繼站,往北可與日本通商,往西可和中國沿海交易,使它成為海上貿易者垂涎的顯著目標,是海上針路上一顆絢爛的珍珠,亦成為成為兵家必爭之地。南宋到明初,澎湖扮演著福建外港的角色,即東南海防的第一道防線,然而明太祖突如其來的「墟澎」舉動,使得東南海防危機持續不斷,倭寇、海盜、荷蘭人利用空虛的澎湖帶給明朝沿海極大的威脅。好不容易結束荷蘭短暫佔領澎湖後,天啟朝汲取「墟澎」後不利的結果,再一次的把澎湖納入福建海防的體系中。以馬公港為中心的防禦圈已然成形,經明鄭時期而臻至成熟,清朝、日治時期至今依然沒有改變這樣的情勢。 澎湖之發展始終與軍事息息相關,並發展而成為具獨特性的角色。清初臺灣初入版圖,澎湖是清廷「護臺、制臺」海上兵站,臺灣的崛起,澎湖自身條件的侷限,漸漸地轉變其角色而成為附屬於臺灣的配角。從鴉片戰爭到甲午戰爭,在中國和各國勢力的碰撞中,屢次直接或間接的泱及澎湖,作為大陸與臺灣聯絡的橋樑,其戰略地位與價值再一次地攀上高峯,清法戰爭後澎湖改設總兵,建媽宮城,築新式砲臺,澎湖軍事地位進入嶄新的一頁。無奈近代中國在一次次戰爭的屈辱中,始終無法力挽狂瀾,澎湖的前途隨清朝在風雨中飄搖,乙未澎湖之役決定了澎湖最後的命運。 澎湖為一群島,島嶼、澳口多,地勢低平,在陸地上幾乎是無險可守,然其周遭的海流、水道、天然的港澳,恰巧構築了護衛澎湖的海上長城。如何善用這些自然的條件以彌補不利澎湖的因素,就成了清代經營澎湖海防的重要課題。清廷從「重陸防」到「重海防」的轉變是歷經多次殘酷考驗所換來的體悟,等到清廷明白海防崩潰所帶來的嚴重後果時,錯誤的海防觀念、態度與作法,想要振衰起弊拱衛澎湖防早為時已晚。透過清代對澎湖海防的經營的情況,能夠清楚的了解澎湖在軍事上擁有的戰略價值。


Penghu (Pescadores) is located in East Pacific Ocean and she cannot supply herself. However, she plays an important role due to particular geographical feature for strategics. She is a main fishery for in-shore people of China; meanwhile, she is a landmark for navigation and a trading transferring stop as well. From Sung Dynasty to early Ming Dynasty, Penghu is the outport of Fukien Province, and becomes the first defending line for South-eastern Sea Guard of China. But after the Hongwu Emperor gives up the authority of Penghu, pirates, Japanese pirates or even Dutch Governor carry an extremely threat when they occupy her. There is always a closing relationship between military development and Penghu. In the early Ching Dynasty, Taiwan (Formosa) comes under the authority of Ching for the first time and Penghu turns into the depot at sea to protect and control Taiwan. As time goes by, the limited resources make Penghu be affiliated to Taiwan. Starting from the Opium War (1840-1842) to the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Penghu is deeply affected by the worldwide military forces despite direct or indirect. Therefore, the value of Penghu climbs up another significant part for her location. After Guerre franco-chinoise, the Ching Governor set up ambans, establish Makung City and build new cannons. Thus, the military status of Penghu achieves a brand- new milestone. Penghu is composed of many islands and has bays and ports. There are no natural shelters on the flat land. However, the ocean currents, ditches and bays around her construct strong barrier, preventing from enemy invasion. It also becomes a major subject for Ching Dynasty to make use of these natural conditions. We can realize that Penghu owns strategic value in details result from the coast guard management of Ching Dynasty.


