  • 學位論文


Fabrication and Analysis of Heat Dissipation Module for High-Power Light Emitting Diode Lamps

指導教授 : 康尚文


本研究針對高功率發光二極體燈具所產生的廢熱加以分析探討,利用散熱模組有效解決廢熱問題,熱管理是固態照明發展的關鍵,攸關發光二極體使用壽命與發光效率。 本研究之散熱模組是利用技術成熟的熱管與散熱鰭片進行設計,並將設計完成之散熱模組透過電子散熱軟體,進行建模及網格化後加以疊代計算並採自然對流方式分析探討。在取得較佳的加工參數後,利用機械加工方式將散熱鰭片與熱傳機構加工完成。本論文所模擬分析之散熱模組計有燈泡型(12W)、室外景觀燈(12W及14W)、以多層基板結構(25W)、多晶片發光二極體路燈(120W)等。 多晶片發光二極體路燈散熱模組,其分析結果顯示,效率較佳者為驅動功率120W無加裝玻璃燈罩,該散熱模組之銅導塊平均溫度為56.13℃,燈具外殼溫度平均為38.9℃,平均總熱阻值為0.24℃/W,模組溫度穩態後中心位置平均照度值為390lux。 故明顯得知,在不外加玻璃燈罩狀況下為了提升自然對流效率,避免溫度增加影響光輸出,該如何針對二次光學設計使燈具輸出均勻照度,實為產品設計上相當重要之考量。


High-Power Light Emitting Diode (LED) has rapidly developed in recent years from indicators to illumination applications. Thermal management of these solid-state lighting is a critical design factor for the long-term reliability and luminance effect. Fabrication and analysis of heat dissipation module for high-power LED lamps are studied in this thesis. Results of the designed modules show that waste heat can be dissipated efficiently. The modules in this research are built by using the mature technology of heat pipe and heat sink. Through the research with ICEPAK software, several CFD models are established to compute and analyse for the modules under natural convection. According to the design parameters from the simulation results, a series of heat dissipation modules are manufactured in practice. The fabricated modules are bulb style (12W), outdoor landscape lighting lamp (12W and 14W), multi-layer structure (25W), and multi-chip LED streetlamp (120W). Input power, temperature distribution and illumination are measured in the experiment. Analyses of multi-chip LED streetlamp with heat dissipation module are discussed. The better efficiency is occurred in the case of non glass-lampshade module driven by power of 120 watts. The average temperatures of copper slot and lamp shell are 56.13℃ and 28.9℃ respectively, the average total thermal resistance is 0.24℃/W, and the average illumination in central position is 390lux under thermal steady-state. It’s apparent that how to enhance the efficiency of natural convection is still a challenge for high-power LED application. And to provide uniform illumination output could be another critical consideration for future lighting products.


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