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Effects of convenience of living on happiness and health

Advisor : 林彥伶


臺灣屬於便利商店密度相當高的國家之一,便利商店與醫療機構數總家數皆超過10,000家,醫療機構也提供便利的醫療資源,加上24小時營業的便利商店可以協助日常的所需,使得便利性在臺灣人生活中扮演著重要的存在性與影響力。然而便利性的提高是否有助於提高人們的幸福感與健康,並未有定論,甚至Easterlin (1995)發現當經濟發展越高,人們的幸福感卻沒有增加。因此,本研究以生活的便利性提高對於人們的幸福感與健康是否存在影響進行估計。資料使用台灣社會變遷調查2005年、2009年、2010年、2015年與2019年共5期的問卷資料,共有9,981個樣本,包括個人特徵變數、幸福感以及健康狀況變數。實證模型利用序列probit模型估計,結果發現便利商店與醫療機構對幸福感都沒有顯著影響,反而生活便利性提升對於健康狀況存在負向影響。

Parallel abstracts

Taiwan is renowned for its high density of convenience stores, with the total number of convenience stores and medical institutions exceeding 10,000. These medical institutions provide convenient resources, and 24-hour convenience stores are available to help with everyday needs. Convenience stores have an invaluable role in the lives of Taiwanese people, as the improvement of convenience has the potential to increase happiness and health. Easterlin(1995) even suggested that economic development does not necessarily lead to an increase in happiness. Therefore, this study aims to examine the impact of the improvement of living convenience on people’s happiness and health. Data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey from 2005, 2009, 2010, 2015 and 2019, with a total sample size of 9,981, was used. The ordered probit model was employed in the empirical model, and the results showed that convenience stores and medical institutions had no significant influence on happiness. However, the improvement of living convenience was found to have a negative effect on people's health.


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