  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand Image and Brand Attitude on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty.

指導教授 : 黃志文
共同指導教授 : 林光賢(Kuang-Hsien Lin)


論文提要內容: 品牌形象為消費者對品牌的知覺與由品牌所喚起關於品牌的一切聯想。而品牌形象管理不但是企業所面臨之行銷問題中的關鍵性部分,也普遍被專家學者認定為產品成功的關鍵因素。因此,若可以瞭解消費者對品牌之形象所抱持的看法,進而瞭解消費者對品牌的態度與其心中對品牌的滿意程度及忠誠度,則將有助於企業經營其品牌形象與發展品牌策略。據此,本研究嘗試引用運動鞋產品探討品牌形象、品牌態度、顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度之間的影響關係 本研究以國內的運動鞋產品品牌為研究範圍,針對淡江大學日間部學生進行問卷調查,採用之抽樣方法為『分層隨機比例配置法』。回收資料採取敘述性統計分析、信度分析及線性結構關係模式等分析方法來驗證假說。 本研究結論: 1、根據本研究結果顯示,品牌形象各構面對品牌態度構面呈現顯著正向影響,其中又以功能性品牌形象的影響最著,其次是經驗性品牌形象,最後為象徵性品牌形象。 2、品牌態度構面對顧客滿意度構面呈現顯著正向影響。 3、品牌態度構面對品牌忠誠度構面呈現顯著正向影響。


Abstract: Brand image is all about customer’s perceptions of the brand and everything aroused about the brand for consumers. The brand image management is not only a critical part of a company’s marketing issues, but also is regarded by the experts and scholars as the key to product success. So, if can be found out that consumer's view of brand image. To understand consumer's attitude toward brand, the satisfaction and loyalty to the brand in their mind, will help enterprises conduct their brand and to develop brand strategy. As mentioned above, by using the sports shoes products and to investigate the influence of the relation among brand image, brand attitude, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty are the purpose of this research. This research investigates the brand image of different brands of sports shoes in Taiwan, which a survey is conducted. The data collected has been carried out through the questionnaire from the undergraduate Tamkang University students by using “stratified random sampling and proportion allocation method.” The tods used for further examination are descriptive statistics, reliability test and LISREL. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. There are significant positive effect of construction of brand image on brand attitude, among them with the influence of the functional brand image the most, secondly it is experiential brand image, for the symbolic brand image finally. 2. There is a significant positive effect of brand attitude on customer satisfaction. 3. There is a significant positive effect of brand attitude on brand loyalty.


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