  • 學位論文


Associations among Project Manager's Leadership Competency, Team Commitment and Project Performance: A Case of High-Tech Industry

指導教授 : 楊立人


從過去關於領導的研究可發現領導者的領導型態確實會影響組織的績效,但在專案管理文獻中,卻經常忽略了「專案經理」的貢獻;另一方面,在現代組織結構已慢慢往矩陣式與網絡式組織演進的情況下,越來越多的分工都將以專案團隊的形式呈現,研究指出,員工對團隊的承諾相對大於組織承諾。故在上述研究背景,本研究主要在探討高科技業專案經理的領導能力,是否會透過團隊承諾的中介效果對專案績效產生影響,且團隊承諾是否會在專案類型的干擾下,而對專案績效有不同的影響效果。具體的研究目的如下: 一、 探討專案經理的領導能力與專案之團隊承諾的之間的相關 性。 二、 探討專案之團隊承諾與專案績效之間的相關性。 三、 探討專案經理的領導能力與專案績效之間的相關性。 四、 探討專案經理的領導能力是否會透過團隊承諾的中介效 果,而對專案績效產生影響。 五、 探討專案類型是否會對領導能力與專案績效之關係產生干 擾效果。 本研究鎖定的抽樣對象為曾經參與過研發專案的團隊成員,以問卷的方式發放,採取便利抽樣,收取有效樣本151份,並使用敘述性統計、建構效度分析、信度分析、相關性分析、層級迴歸分析、集群分析與二因子變異數分析,結果分析如下: 一、 專案經理的領導能力與團隊承諾具顯著相關性。 二、 團隊承諾與專案績效具顯著相關性。 三、 專案經理的領導能力與專案績效具顯著相關性 四、 團隊承諾對專案經理的領導能力與專案績效之關係具有中 介效果。 五、 專案類型對於專案經理的領導能力與專案績效之關係具有 干擾效果。


This study aims to examine whether the impact of project manager’s leadership competency on project performance was moderated by project type. Additionally, this study also determines whether the effect of leadership competency on project performance may be mediated by team commitment. The third objective was to investigate the relationships among the project manager’s leadership competency, team commitment, and project success. To address the primary aims, a questionnaire-based survey was used to measure the project manager’s competency, team commitment, and overall performance of research and development (R&D) projects in the Taiwanese high-tech industry. The analyses suggest that increases in levels of project manager’s leadership competency may enhance commitment among team members. The results also indicate that team commitment exhibits statistically significant influence on project performance. Additionally, the findings suggest that project type has a moderating effect on the relationship between project manager’s leadership competency and project success. Finally, the results indicate that team commitment may serve as mediators between project manager’s leadership competency and project performance.


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