  • 學位論文


The study of the effects of the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and personalized function design of online shopping malls on online shopping attitudes and online shopping intentions

指導教授 : 張俊惠


現今隨著網路的普及率上升,台灣上網的總人口逐年攀升,線上購物已成為上網人口的主要購物管道,根據資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)調查指出,2010年線上購物市場規模達到3583億元,而主要經營類型以開店平台店家為主即B2C交易模式。因此本研究將對於台灣網購商城(B2C)的消費者行為進行相關探討。 網購商城經營業者想要維持競爭優勢,必需能夠瞭解消費者在使用網路購物的關鍵因素。因此,進一步探討消費者對網購商城的相關消費行為,將有助於提高業者經營上的績效。據此,本研究的目的有三,將探討台灣網購商城市場中: 1. 台灣網購商城的消費者行為中,消費者對網購商城的網購態度對網購意圖之影響。 2. 台灣消費者對網購商城之知覺易用性與知覺有用性對於網購態度形成之影響。 3. 台灣網購商城個性化功能設計對網購態度及網購意圖之影響。 經由問卷回收後之資料分析,本研究結果為: 1. 在台灣網購商城中,網購態度確實是網購意圖形成的重要關鍵前因。 2. 消費者對網購商城所知覺到的易用性,會對網購商城的有用性知覺有直接的影響,而有用性知覺會對網購意圖有直接的影響,更會經由網購態度進一步影響網購意圖的發生,而其中知覺易用對網購態度的形成是沒有顯著的影響力。 3. 網頁的個性化功能設計,對網購意圖沒有直接影響,但是會經由網購態度的中介對網購意圖形成影響。


As the Internet penetration rate goes up nowadays, the Internet population of Taiwan has risen year by year and online shopping has became the main shopping channel of Internet population. According to the research of Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC), it pointed out that the market scale of online shopping has reached to 35.83 billion in 2010, and the main business type is the stores of online shop platforms, that is, B2C trading mode. Therefore, this study is going to conduct related investigation to the consumer behavior of online shopping malls (B2C) of Taiwan. If the operators of online shopping malls want to maintain competitive advantages, they need to understand the key factors that consumers use the online shopping. Therefore, to further explore related consuming behaviors of consumers to the online shopping malls would contribute to improving operators’ business performance. Accordingly, there are three goals of this study and it is going to explore the following in the market of online shopping malls of Taiwan: 1. In the consuming behaviors of online shopping malls of Taiwan, the effects of consumers’ online shopping attitudes to the online shopping malls on the online shopping intentions. 2. The effects of Taiwanese consumers’ perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness to the online shopping malls on the formation of online shopping attitudes. 3. The effects of personalized function designs of Taiwanese online shopping malls on the online shopping attitudes and online shopping intentions. Through the data analysis after receiving questionnaires, this research result found: 1. In Taiwanese online shopping malls, online shopping attitudes certainly are the key antecedent of formation of online shopping intentions. 2. The ease of use that consumers perceive to the online shopping malls would have a direct effect on the perceived usefulness of online shopping malls, and online shopping malls would have a direct effect on the intentions of online shopping, moreover, it would further effect the happening of online shopping intentions by online shopping attitudes, and of these, perceived ease of use doesn’t have significant effects on the formation of online shopping attitudes. 3. The personalized function designs of webpage don’t have a direct effect on the intentions of online shopping, but it would effect on online shopping intentions by the intermediary of online shopping attitudes.


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