  • 學位論文


A Study of the Realistic Job Previews on Amed Forces Recruitment

指導教授 : 黃曼琴


近年國軍為了彌補義務役人員退場後造成之人力缺口,成立了招募專責單位,希望整合現有資源並藉由行銷策略與方法,吸引更多年輕人目光,進而選擇加入國軍。因此,除了製作招募廣告與文宣摺頁外,亦透過網路建置了臉書粉絲專業與民眾互動,藉此使民眾能更加了解國軍,以增加招募成效。然而,招募單位往往只想在期限內完成需要招募的兵員數量,卻忽略人員進入軍中適應問題,造成離退率居高不下之窘境。因此,本研究希望於國軍招募工作時,運用實際工作預覽(Realistic Job Previews)之甄選方式,對於人員的離職傾向的影響,並且透過工作滿意之影響進行分析探討,研究的結果發現: 1.在招募廣宣活動過程中,實際工作預覽認知的知覺會影響工作滿意 程度,二者間具有顯著正向影響,說明實際工作預覽符合程度愈正 面,則工作滿意程度愈高。 2.使用實際工作預覽認知的知覺後,在工作滿意程度會影響離職傾 向,二者間具有顯著負向影響,說明新進人員工作滿意程度愈正 面,則離職傾向愈低。 3.在招募廣宣活動過程中,實際工作預覽認知的知覺會影響離職傾 向,二者間具有顯著負向影響,說明實際工作預覽符合程度愈正 面,則離職傾向愈低。 4.在招募廣宣活動過程中,實際工作預覽認知的知覺會受到工作滿意 程度強度大小,間接影響離職傾向強弱。 5.不同人口統計變項在實際工作預覽認知具有顯著差異。 6.人口統計變項的不同,在「工作滿意程度」上有顯著差異。 7.人口統計變項的不同,在「離職傾向」上有顯著差異。 關鍵詞: 實際工作預覽; 工作滿意; 離職傾向


Taiwan's armed forces have established a military recruitment office to help make up for the lack of manpower resulting from the discharge of military volunteers. It is hoped that the integration of current resources and marketing strategies can attract the interest of younger generations and inspire them to enlist. In addition to producing recruitment advertisements and brochures, a Facebook page was created to promote interaction with the public in order to increase public understanding of the armed forces as well as recruitment efficacy. However, the recruitment office is mainly concerned with reaching the recruitment quota for each period while overlooking the problems new recruits have in adjusting to military life. Thus, the turnover rate has been high. This study used realistic job previews during the recruitment process to examine the effect on turnover intention by using job satisfaction analysis.The research findings included: I.In recruitment advertising, the cognitive perception of realistic job previews significantly and positively affects job satisfaction, indicating that more positive real job previews result in higher job satisfaction. II.After using the cognitive perception of realistic job previews, job satisfaction significantly and negatively affects turnover intention, indicating that new recruits with higher job satisfaction have lower turnover intention. III.In recruitment advertising, the cognitive perception of realistic job preview s significantly and negatively affects turnover intention, indicating that more positive real job previews result in lower turnover intention. IV.In recruitment advertising, the cognitive perception of realistic job previews is affected by the degree of jobsatisfaction which indirectly influences the intensity of turnover intention. V.Different population statistics variables have significantly different effects on realistic job previews cognition. VI.Different population statistics variables have significantly different effects on job satisfaction. VII.Different population statistics variables have significantly different effects on turnover intention. Key word: Realistic Job Previews(RJPs), Job satisfaction, Turnover intention


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