  • 學位論文


The Research of ROC`s Troops Structure Development under Hight Technology.

指導教授 : 王高成


自1991年波斯灣戰爭結束後,西方有關戰爭的主流論述均將重心置於高科技的傳統作戰。國軍在近年來大舉進行迫切需要的現代化計劃,而且在編制、規模與訓練上也試圖求新求變,以提升總體作戰效能。國軍在民國87年實施精實案後,陸軍戰略基本單位由原來的師級單位(步兵師、機械化師、裝甲旅),改為不同類態的聯兵旅,如守備步兵旅、摩托化步兵旅、裝甲旅、裝步旅、空騎旅、特種作戰旅等六種聯兵旅,不僅旅級部隊編裝有所改變,在武器編裝方面,也作了大幅調整。相關決策單位在設計聯兵旅組織架構時,有其一貫邏輯周延的思維模式,也經過充分的溝通與討論,取得共識及實驗後,才正式推行。國防部對於精實案整體的檢討工作已經完成,並對部分執行的缺失,採取後續改革方案精進。 建立量小、質精、戰力強與具適應彈性的數位化部隊。而資訊時代,戰爭的勝負非由數量的多寡決定,而係由交戰各國能否進行總體兵力整合決定。因此,國軍為了因應資訊時代的作戰需求,必須進行組織與指揮架構的精減,透過向下授權的方式,使各級部隊皆能在自主性高的情況下進行戰鬥。否則,勢難進行訊速而確切的反應,戰爭的主動權亦將為敵方所取得,我方處於被動因應的情況之下進行戰鬥。否則,甚難取得戰爭勝利。因此,國家應持續的進行組織再造與兵力整建,方能有效因應快速變動的安全環境。




Abstract:Since the end of 1991 Persian Gulf War,the mainstream of war studies in the western military society is to focus on the high-tech conventional warfare. The ROC military is carrying on the modernization planning of urgent demand distinctly in recent years. It also try and begs the new mutation in the organization and training in order to lift the intake of the fighting capability. The ROC arm force had launched the Personnel-Stream-lining Project in 1998. The armed force basic strategic units had changed from division level units i.e. Infantry Division,Mechanical Division and the Armor Brigade to different types of the Combined Branch Brigades i.e. the Defense Infantry Brigade,the Motorized Infantry Brigade,the Armor Brigade,the Armor And Infantry Brigade,the Air Cavalry Brigade and the Special Operation Brigade. Not only the deployment of brigade level units had been altered so that the brigade subordinated echelon below battalion,but also the deployment of weapons had made a great adjustment. The related decision making division have a clear,logical and organizes ideology while designing the organization structure of the Combined Branch Brigade. It also had been implemented official after sufficient discussions and communications and gatherings of agreements and experiments. The MND had accomplished the evaluations of whole of Personnel-Streamlining Project and ameliorate by the following revolution projects according to the flaws of the implementation. It is necessary to establishing a small,well qualified,powerful and flexible digital force. At the age ofinformation,the winning or lose of a war does not depend on the quantity but on integrating the whole force power. Therefore,to meet the need of combating at the age of information,our military force need to streamline the organization and command structure. By granting power to the subordinates,every level in the military will be able to act on its own and fight. Otherwise,a quick,precise reaction is impossible,and we will fall victim to the active offensive action by our enemy. Consequently,it is difficult to win the war. Therefore,our military forces should continuously restructure the organization and force so that we can react to the fast-changing environment of security.


Combined Branch Brigades


Henry C. Barlett,G Paul Holman,and Timothy E. Somes,The Art of Strategy and Force Planning,Naval War College Review,Vol.48,No.2,(Spring 1995)。
JCS Pub.1:Dictionary of Military and Association Terms Washington,D.C,:U.S Department of Defense,June 1,1987)。
Brown.Michael L. The Revolution in Military Affairs:The Information Dimension,Cyberwar.
