  • 學位論文


The development and future trend of P2P lending model in China

指導教授 : 張五岳


中國大陸的中小微企業貸款困難始終是個大難題。中小微企業與個人經營消費一直很難獲得貸款,係因小微企業以及個人缺少抵押擔保品,加上中國徵信體系不足,導致難向銀行借貸,所以資金需求大。另外,隨著經濟發展,中產階級人數不斷上升,但是投資管道有限,理財機構少,所以資金理財需求大。P2P網貸在近期高速發展。這既讓我們看到P2P 網貸這一創新性金融模式解決傳統金融體系的希望,但也暴露出很多的問題和風險。隨著世界範圍內金融脫媒的創新改革逐步深化,以互聯網為技術背景的互聯網金融發展持續加快;誕生於英國的首家 P2P 網路借貸公司 Zopa 公司將互聯網資訊傳播平臺用於解決自古以來金融資訊不對稱造成的效率低下、融資成本高昂等問題,以較低成本、門檻為資金供需雙方提供一個自由、透明、開放的平臺,極大地促進互聯網金融的創新發展。各國重提強化金融監管,以互聯網為依託的 P2P 網路借貸以其靈活的形式、便捷的操作吸引了大批借貸雙方的參與。2007年,中國大陸首家 P2P 網路借貸平臺上線以來,中國出現了一波較大範圍的互聯網金融創新浪潮,而立足於中國的市場特點及金融行業發展現狀, P2P網貸行業發展呈現百家爭鳴的態勢。然而由於徵信體系滯後、監管缺失等問題導致中國大陸P2P 網貸行業發展總體呈現出紊亂的狀態。本文以商業模式創新理論、創新金融為視角,就P2P網貸行業進行客觀描述在對相關資料搜集篩選之後,進行分析,並描述中國P2P網貸行業現狀,討論其運營模式及分析比較。


SME loan in the mainland of China loan difficulties is always a big problem. SME and individual business spending has been very difficult to obtain loans, due to SME and individuals lack collateral, coupled with the lack of China's credit system, resulting in difficult to borrow from banks, so the demand for funds large.In addition, with the economic development, the number of middle class rising, but the investment pipeline is limited, less financial institutions, so the demand for financial management. P2P net loan in the recent rapid development. This allows us to see the P2P net loan this innovative financial model to solve the traditional financial system, but also exposed a lot of problems and risks. With innovation and reform of the world financial disintermediation gradually deepened, to the Internet as thetechnical background of the development of Internet banking continued to accelerate; was born in Britain's first P2P network lending company Zopa company will Internet platform for the dissemination of information for solve the problems of low efficiency, high financing cost caused by the financial information asymmetry of since ancient times, to lower cost, the threshold for both sides of supply and demand of funds provide a free, transparent, and open platform, greatly promote the innovation and development of Internet banking. Countries revert to strengthen financial supervision, to Internet based on P2P network lending to its flexible form, convenient operation, attracted the participation of a large number of both lenders and borrowers. In 2007, China's first P2P network lending platform since the line, China has emerged a wave of a larger range of Internet financial innovation tide, based on China's market characteristics and financial industry development present situation, the P2P network credit industry development present situation of contention of a hundred schools of thought. However, due to the credit system lags behind, lack of supervision lead to P2P net loan industry development in China overall showing a disordered state.The business model innovation theory, financial innovation perspective,P2P net loan industry were objective description on the relevant data collected after screening, carries on the analysis, and describe the status in quo of Chinese P2P net loan industry, discussed the operation mode and comparative analysis.


九、 黃震,P2P 網貸行業的發展現狀與未來趨勢,經濟導刊,2012(03)
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