  • 學位論文


Terrorism and Free Movement of Persons: Discussion on EU Cooperation of Anti-terrorism Intelligence

指導教授 : 張福昌


「人員自由流通」的概念最早見諸於1958年的歐洲經濟共同體,1985年的「申根協定」讓「人員自由流通」更加具體化,1993年的「無疆界內部市場」所揭櫫的「人員」、「商品」、「勞務」、「資金」四大自由流通,更讓「人員自由流通」臻於成熟。但在這種特殊的人員自由流通環境下「恐怖主義」儼然成為歐盟內部安全最大威脅。 本文以歷史制度主義為理論工具,首先,論述里斯本條約前後歐盟人員自由流通制度的演變,再探討歐洲警政署、「歐洲司法合作署」與「歐洲邊境與海巡署」的反恐架構與功能,進而剖析當前歐盟五大恐怖主義趨勢與三大恐怖主義特徵,亦即「孤狼恐怖主義」、「難民恐怖主義」與「外國恐怖主義戰士」。而在複雜的歐盟體系中,歐盟會員國過度表彰情報主權,而鬆散地遞交反恐情報給歐洲機構,導致歐盟層面嚴重缺乏反恐情報,而使反恐成效不彰。是故,如何改善歐盟反恐情報的質與量,成為未來歐盟反恐的重要課題。


The concept of ‘Free Movement of Persons’ has had been brought up in European Economic Community in 1957. ‘1985 Schengen Agreement’ concretized Free Movement of Persons. 1993 Internal Market has introduced Four Free Movement of “Persons”, “Goods”, “Service” and “Capital” which made “Free Movement of Persons” mature. However, in the context of “Free Movement of Persons”, “Terrorism” has been the biggest threat of EU Internal Security. This thesis uses the Historical Institutionalism as the theoretical basis. First, the author discusses the development of Free Movement of Persons before and after Treaty of Lisbon. Second, the author tries to explore the framework of counter-terrorism and the function of “Europol”, “Eurojust” and “Frontex” and figures out the five trends of EU terrorism and three characteristics of terrorism, e.g., “Lone-wolf Terrorism”, “Refugee Terrorism” and “Foreign Terrorist Fighter”. In the complicated framework of EU, Member States demonstrate overly the sovereignty of intelligence. In addition, Member States transfer the intelligence with EU level without a good intelligence exchange framework. Due to this phenomenon, it makes counter-terrorism inefficient because of the lack of the intelligence. Therefore, it will be an important issue for EU to enhance the quality and quantity of intelligence to counter-terrorism.


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