  • 學位論文


Analysis of Global Expansion and Deployment Stateges for Taiwanese Based LCD Monitor/TV manufacturers

指導教授 : 郭建中


全球平面顯示器產業(Flat Panel Display;FPD)受到電子資訊產品持續成長的需求,吸引台灣廠商的投入使其快速降低了生產成本,因而造就更多需求,在液晶監視器產業的帶動之下展開了平面顯示器發展之序幕,隨著科技的進步及面板產業大規模投資液晶面板的產能下,大量的面板供給使得液晶顯示器價格持續的下滑,拉近了與傳統CRT螢幕之價格差距,且液晶顯示技術逐漸取代過去傳統笨重的大型背投影與小型映像管顯示器,使平面顯示器產業持續蓬勃發展,成為新購與換購的首要選擇,雖然全球各地發展不一,使得各國之平面顯示器產業成長有顯著的不同,但液晶顯示器將取代CRT螢幕的趨勢,將先後在不同的國家展開。 台灣廠商為液晶顯示器組裝產業的領導者,代工組裝市占率為全球第一,因此液晶顯示器產業之成長與變遷與台灣廠商息息相關,其中台灣廠商的生產線主要位在中國大陸,近年來總體經濟環境於80年代後期產生極大的變化,由於勞動工資與土地成本上升,國內環保法規日趨嚴峻,國外同業削價競爭,種種因素之下造成我國各產業面臨發展瓶頸,因此以代工為主、成本導向的產業便積極尋求中國作為生產基地以因應挑戰。 另一方面,國外掌握關鍵技術的主要廠商,也紛紛轉往大陸直接或是間接投資,迫使該產業上、中、下游相關產業鏈廠商,即便原本不需轉往大陸,也因而不得不前往大陸投資以應客戶需求,形成完整產業鏈,而TFT-LCD產業是中國十一五規劃中一項重點扶植產業,中國官方於渤海灣、長三角、珠三角與武漢、福州等區域設立平板顯示器專區,目的就在於提供整個面板產業鏈進駐的環境,並且提供優渥的租稅優惠等政策,吸引外資企業進入設點佈局,我們知道台灣、韓國、日本、與中國是四個發展液晶面板的重點國家,而中國大陸身為世界工廠,廣大的土地資本與龐大的勞力,成為眾多科技產業前往佈局投資的拉力,中國大陸的生產區位對於台商全球佈局著實為關鍵的一環。 本研究選擇液晶顯示器組裝產業作為研究主軸,並針對其與上游面板廠及下游品牌商之間的合作與互動作縱面的探討,再依照液晶顯示器組裝產業的產業情況與發展作橫向分析,最後並對於產業環境與產品未來提出觀察,經由上述主客觀分析,找出台灣液晶顯示器組裝產業與其廠商未來能持續成長的契機與關鍵因素,並搭配個案加以佐證本研究觀點是否有疏漏,期能提供台灣液晶顯示器組裝產業與其廠商於未來競爭策略的制定、與其相關之主管機關於政策研擬之參考。


Due to increasing demand of 3C products, lots of TW based companies are investing capital and resources on developing Flat Panel Display (FPD). However, intense competition and high volume manufacturing of LCD monitors lead to quick drop of both market price and production cost. Technology and manufacturing breakthrough on 42” and plus size of the panel also drag the cost down and penetrate traditional CRT TV market as well as back projector TV market in the US. Sooner or later, LCD TVs will be the main stream for every family in the world. TW based companies play an important role in LCD monitor/TV assembly industry. Most of LCD TVs are manufactured by TW based companies (No.1 worldwide market share by country). Therefore, trend of LCD TV technology is very crucial to those companies. Because of relatively low labor cost and easy for land acquisition and beneficial tax policy (free trade zone) by Chinese government, China, in recent years, had become the world’s major factory. Most of the companies build their facilities in China for almost everything. Looking back at Taiwan, land is hard to get, labor cost is 4 to 6 times more expensive than China, environmental regulations are strict, and global competition is severe. In order to survive, Taiwanese companies have no choice but move to China for cost down. On the other hand, rapid growth of Chinese market also led to lots of name brand companies and/or key component suppliers to build their selling/marketing system and supplier chain in China. Most of the partners, therefore, follow them to China for local support. In China’s eleventh five-year plan for development, LCD TV is one of the important industries that the Chinese government would like to grow, including owning the technology as well as the capability for the production. Many industrial parks focus on FPD were founded in various areas, such as BoHai Bay, Long River Triangle, Pearl River Triangle, WuHan, FuZhou, etc. By offering tax deduction (free trade zone) and other easy-to-process policies, Chinese government had encouraged a lot of foreign LCD industry related company to settle down in China. Lured by the big market, low labor/land cost, all big players (companies from Taiwan, Korea, and Japan) had built their assembly line in China. Therefore, it is very critical to follow up Chinese developing strategies. This report is focusing on industry of LCD TV assembly. Analysis of SWOT for both forward and backward integration has been conducted (including integration of panel manufacturers and/or creating of own brand to sell to the end customers). Observation of industrial environment and product/technology trend are also including in this report. This report also provides suggestions to help TW based companies to survive, to compete, and to grow.


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