  • 學位論文


A Study on China’s Military Strategy toward Taiwan in the Period of DPP’s Ruling(2000-2008)

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中共政權自建國以來,至今歷經毛澤東時期、鄧小平時期、江澤民時期與胡錦濤時期。歷任領導人基本上對其身處之國際環境、國內形勢與安全威脅均有著不同的認知,從而對國防戰略及軍事戰略等方面,產生了不同的實踐過程與因應對策,大體上仍不脫以「國防第一、軍事優先」的基本模式。 中共軍事戰略雖然僅是其國家戰略的一部分;但是,中共政權始終需依靠軍隊力量始能維繫,所謂「槍桿子裡面出政權」,是中共自1927年建立軍隊以來,一直用以維繫其政權的標準。所以,中共軍事戰略思想的演進,不僅關係軍隊之現代化、科技化,更與中共政權之安定與否有密不可分的關係。 針對「台灣問題」的處理,反制台獨及拒止外軍介入台海乃是中共對台軍事戰略的指導原則。因此,在台灣民進黨執政期間台獨勢力的發展與美國介入台海的深度,乃成為北京領導人最為關切以及必須因應的課題。台灣經過民進黨執政8年經驗之後,在這段期間中國逐漸務實地調整對台灣的認知與政策,但調整的幅度仍相當有限。因為至今中國仍然迷信武力威脅與國際孤立可以逼迫台灣投降,或企圖採取軍事手段併吞台灣,這才是目前兩岸問題無法解決的根本原因。 台灣在民進黨執政後,中國對台軍事戰略的框架,是由「以武促統」轉向至「以武阻獨」的戰略,且延續至今,因為這個階段中共認為營造國家發展的和平環境才是首要的目標,「統一台灣」的問題可暫時緩一緩;另外中國知道要解決「台灣問題」,免不了要與美國較勁,甚至要在軍事上一較高下。因此,「抗美奪台」被視為中共對台戰略的方式之一。 總體而言,中共對台作為旨在爭取戰略主動,而共軍近年來積極發展對台軍事戰略的準備,即是針對未來可能面對外軍(美軍)的介入與台灣的反抗作好萬全的準備。




Since the founding of the China’s Communist regime. China has experienced through the period of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao era. Basically, these successive leaders of their living embrace different idea of international environment , domestic situation and security threats. Accordingly,there are different policy of defense and military strategy. However, it is still defense first in general。 China’s military strategy is only a part of its national Strategy; However, the Communist regime has always been dependent on the military power. "A regime could be out of guns" is insisted by PRC since 1927 when the armed forces being created, And it has been continued in order to sustain China’s regime. So, the evolution of China’s military Strategic thinking related not just to military modernization, technology, more importantly to China’s communist regime stability. As of the "Taiwan issue" ,anti-Taiwan independence and deny foreign military intervention is the guiding principle of Chin’s military strategy. Thus, during the ruling periods of Democratic Progressive Party . China extremely concern with the development of Taiwan independence and the extent of U.S. involvement in the Taiwan Strait. During the eight years of DPP’s ruling. China adopted a pragmatic attitude and adjusted its recognition of Taiwan .But the latitude is still quite limited. China still believe it can force Taiwan to surrender by force and international isolation. It is what the endemic cause why the dilemma of across-strait cannot be broken through.. Since DPP’s ruling, China's military strategy is shifted from"pressing unification by the military act" to "thwart independence by the military act ". It is still thus today. Because the CCP holds that a peaceful environment is vital to its economic development. Reunification with Taiwan can be temporarily delayed. Besides, China believed that to solve the "Taiwan problem". The confrontation between it and U.S. is inevitable. Therefore, "counter the U.S and to take over Taiwan " is deemed as part of its Taiwan strategy. Overall, the aim of CCP’s Taiwan strategy is strategic initiatives. The PLA has developed Taiwan strategy for a long time, And it has prepared for the scenarios of U.S. military intervention and Taiwan's resistance.


Military Strategy


