  • 學位論文

製造商與零售商關係品質影響未來合作之研究 -以台灣消費性電子產品通路為例

The influence of relationship quality between manufacturer and retailer on future collaboration- A case study of customer electronic product channel in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳水蓮


現今的3C產品已是隨處可見的現代人必備工具。在完成產品的研發、測試、製造到成品之後,需要仰賴於完整的行銷策略計畫,包括廣告、促銷、產品包裝等等的方式來使消費者對該產品發生興趣,進而成功產生最終的消費行為。但產品供應商該如何將產品交付予消費者手上,而消費者又該如何取得所需要的產品,則就有賴於完整的通路來進行。 本研究在探討台灣的上游品牌供應商與第一線銷售產品的經銷商之間未來合作,是否會受到幾個構面的因素而有所改變。在商業經營的架構環境下,雙方皆是為了獲取利潤,進而達到相互合作的目的。但在合作的背後,是否有其影響因子存在,本研究將針對308家消費性電子產品經銷商進行問卷調查,以AMOS17.0統計軟體進行信、效度檢定,並以結構方程式進行模型的假設檢定。依據關係品質(Relationship Quality)、關係信任(Relation Trust)及經銷商對於品牌的滿意度(Satisfaction with brand) 三者間是否相互影響,而更進一步的改變經銷商與品牌供應商相互間未來合作的可能性。 本研究結果如下: 1) 經銷商與供應商之間的關係品質與關係信任有顯著的相關性。 2) 經銷商與供應商之間的關係品質與經銷商對供應商的滿意度有顯著的影響。 3) 經銷商與供應商之間的關係信任與經銷商對供應商滿意度有顯著的影響。 4) 經銷商對供應商的滿意度對於雙方未來合作將會有直接的影響。 5) 消費者的產品期待對於雙方未來合作有顯著影響。 6) 經銷商對品牌供應商的信譽對未來合作無顯著影響。 最後,本研究提供管理意涵與未來可研究方向做為台灣電子產品品牌供應商及其通路產業決策者及後續研究者參考。


In modern life, 3C products have become indispensable. After passing various production phases such as research and development, testing, and manufacturing, these products must rely on a complete marketing strategy, including advertising, promotion, and product packaging to entice customers and produce sales. However, the method used by manufacturers to deliver products to customers and the place of sales depend on the complete and efficient performance of channels, which is an issue that requires advanced research. This study explores the collaboration between upstream manufacturer brands and first-line retailers in Taiwan’s 3C product market, which is influenced by several factors. Both parties are motivated by profit, and thus, strive for mutual cooperation in the business environment. Whether influencing factors exist between retailer and manufacturer collaboration is a crucial issue. This study investigates 308 customer electronics retailers in Taiwan. Focusing on relationship quality, relational trust, and retailer satisfaction with the brand, we explore the possibility of future collaboration between retailers and manufacturer brands. The study results indicate the following: 1) The relationship quality between retailers and manufacturers has a significant impact on the relationship of trust; 2) the relationship quality between retailers and manufacturers has a significant impact on retailer satisfaction with the manufacturer; 3) the relational trust between the retailers and manufacturers has a significant impact on retailer satisfaction with the manufacturer brand; and 4) retailer satisfaction has a direct impact on the future collaboration between retailers and manufacturers. 5) Customer expectation has a direct impact on the future collaboration between retailers and manufacturers. 6) Manufacturer’s brand reputation has no impact on the future collaboration between retailers and manufacturers.


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