  • 學位論文


Analysis the Pyschologilcal process of marital batteres – In the Ice-berg theory of Satir Mode Perspective

指導教授 : 洪素珍


本研究旨在以薩提爾模式之冰山理論探討婚姻暴力男性相對人在面對婚姻衝突事件時的內在心理歷程,其心理歷程包括:行為、感受、感受的感受、觀點、期待、渴望等各層面的經驗。並期待研究過程中所發現的重要議題,能對從事婚姻暴力防治的工作者或進行加害人處遇計畫的專業人員提供新的觀點。研究方法採用質化研究詮釋學觀點進行資料的收集與分析,訪談二位被法院判處至處遇機構接受認知教育處遇的婚暴男性相對人,以半結構訪談大綱進行深度訪談,最後研究者以詮釋學的觀點對2位婚暴相對人的內在心理經驗進行分析。 本研究的結果如下: 一、 行為:本研究參與者在真正發生有意識的對配偶施予肢體暴力前,都經過至少長達七年以上的隱忍期,顯示他們並非慣用暴力面對衝突的男性。 二、 溝通姿態:本研究參與者的溝通姿態會隨著他所遇到的壓力情境之不同而轉變,而在轉變的過程中,個體也並非都是沒有覺察,他們有能力知道自己現在和過去分別扮演著什麼不同的角色。 三、 觀點:真正導致本研究參與者對配偶行使暴力的原因主要在於他們對配偶的行靈意圖做負向歸因,以及他們根本上都認同了暴力的價值,這兩項認知因素影響他們容易對自己的暴力行為合理化。 四、 感受和感受的感受:本研究參與者皆有豐富的情緒經驗,有些情緒經驗甚至透露出有生命危險的訊息。 五、 期待:本研究參與者在婚姻中常把期待放在配偶身上,並試圖用期待來控制或支配對方,他們不為自己的期待負責,而希望配偶為他們的期待負責,一旦配偶沒有滿足他們的期待,就認為是配偶的錯。 六、 渴望:本研究參與者皆如冰山理論所指出的,他們都擁有被愛,被無條件的、全然的接納與支持,有尊嚴,被認可,以及有價值的渴望。 七、 自我:和研究參與者接觸的過程中,不時的可發現他們從自我層面散發出來的人性中美善的一面。


This study attempted to explore the male marital batters’ psychological processes of their marital conflict in the Ice-berg theory of Satir Mode Perspective. The psychological process include : behavior、feeling、feelings about feelings、perceptions、expectations, and yearnings .The significant findings in this study would help the professional who work in prevention of domestic violence and the perpetrators’ intervention strategies to get new perceptions .The hermeneutic method of qualitative research was adopted in this thesis. In this research, the author interviewed two male marital batters who received the court orders to participate in a batterer treatment program of spouse violence. The data was collected with an in-depth interview approach. The researcher uses the hermeneutic perspective to analysis the psychological processes of the two martial batters. The study results could be concluded as followings: 1. Behavior: Resorting violence with consciousness to his partner offers seven years' restrains proves that research participant does not get used to resort with violence constantly. 2. Coping stance: The participants’ attitude toward communication changes according to different stresses which he is suffering. In the changing process, the participants didn't recognize their difference in between and they realizes what different roles that ones can play. 3. Perceptions: The reason for participant violent deeds is due to the intentions of his partner and his self-identification to violence. The participants take both reasons for granted. 4. Feeling and Feelings about Feelings: The participant has an emotion full of variety, some emotions even reveal the threatening his or his couple's life. 5. Expectations: The participant is always expecting something from his partner in the marriage and attempting the command or influence by his expectancy. The participant do not feel responsible to his expectancy, on the contrary, he anticipates his partner is responsible for his expectancy. Once his couple doesn't satisfy him, the participant considers it as his partner's fault. 6. Yearnings: Due to Ice-berg theory, it demonstrates the violent participant is eager for love, wanting to be supported entirely, to be respected, to be accepted and having the valuable wishes. 7. Self: During the contact toward the participant, it is not difficult to recognize that their positive natural are spread out.


marital violence spouse batters Satir Mode


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