  • 學位論文


A Study on the Efficiency and Congestion for Life Insurance Industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 高棟梁


自1960年開始,世界先進國家陸續推行金融自由化與國際化,並解除及放寬各項金融管制,使得近年來,金融自由化與國際化已蔚為世界各國的潮流,亦為我國政府既定之金融發展政策,而銀行、證券、保險的綜合化經營,新金融商品的創新與電子資訊技術蓬勃發展,金融環境急遽變化,使得金融保險市場的競爭益形激烈,經營風險日益提高。再加上近年來金控公司的成立使得壽險公司規模越來越龐大,再加上近年來政府放寬壽險業經營範圍,解除或放寬各項金融管制,使壽險業經營更加多元化,並促使營運規模擴增。 本研究利用資料包絡分析法與擁擠效果模型,探討當壽險公司營運規模擴增時,是否在營業管理費用、招攬費用,存在過多的問題。並評估公司經營效率後,了解公司本身資產配置與運用是否達到最適當,避免不必要的投入妨礙生產,亦可作為管理者決策參考之依據,以強化壽險公司體質並提升經營績效。最後並研究各壽險公司在要素投入方面是否存在擁擠效果。結果顯示,本土壽險公司在技術效率和規模效率上普遍優於外商壽險公司,在要素投入方面具有擁擠效果之壽險公司僅有二家,顯示我國壽險公司在投入要素運用方面普遍適當,較無不妥之處。


Numerous developing countries around the world has liberalized and decontrolled various financial restraints since 1960s. Such a policy has as well greatly influenced Taiwan government and the rest of the world. The competition of the financial insurance business has grown stronger not only because of the joined complex of banks, bonds, and insurance companies but also because of the lively development of electronic technologies and new financial products. The financial insurance market in Taiwan also gets more competitive and risky due to the dramatic change within. Moreover, insurance companies have also extended in both the size of each company and the ranges of services provided because of the growing numbers of financial holding cooperation in Taiwan. This paper has applied DEA and Congestion Model in studying possible problems, i.e. Management Expensive and Contract Expensive, arisen from extending the size of a life insurance company. In addition, this study is used as a basis for executives in decision making after the work efficiency of the insurance company is carefully evaluated. Finally, this paper is to discover whether Congestion occurs in each insurance company.


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