  • 學位論文


Factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing:An integration of TAM, TPB, IDT, and security risk

指導教授 : 陳水蓮


雲端運算現在是個非常熱門的議題,許多國際性或是大型企業的正積極搶佔雲端商機。正當各企業紛紛投身其中之際,亦曾聽聞一些網路用戶可能會因擔心個資安全是否遭惡意侵犯,而選擇避免使用雲端運算的相關功能。目前,與雲端運算相關的文章、資訊中,多數量產業上的技術應用(羅森塔爾, 2010),幾乎未有針對使用者的接受意願進行研究, 因此,此次研究的目的即是結合TAM、TPB、IDT 和資安風險等因素,探討企業關心的最終使用者接受程度。研究過程中,透過一家專業的市調公司在台灣收集了1,069份有效問卷作最後的分析的數據。 研究結果顯示知覺易用、知覺有用、相對優勢、相容性將影響使用者接受雲端運算概念的行為態度。資安風險、相容性、行為態度、主觀標準、知覺行為控制會影響到雲端運算應用的行為意圖。最後,結論中亦提出對後進研究者未來研究方向的相關建議。


雲端運算 TAM TPB IDT 資安風險


“Cloud computing” is topical and frequently discussed, with numerous international companies actively and preparing. Nevertheless, some users worry about private information loss and personal secret infringement, and avoid using cloud computing. Currently available articles, blogs, and forums focus on applying clouds to industries (Rosenthal, et al., 2010) but without regard for the user's intention. The purpose of this research is to integrate TAM, TPB, IDT, and security risk to investigate factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing as integration. A professional market questionnaire investigation company in Taiwan collected the research data. Retrieved 1069 useful questionnaires were used as the data for the final analysis. The research findings reveal that the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, relative advantage, and compatibility influence attitudes toward the behavior of cloud computing. The security risk, compatibility, attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control influence the behavioral intention of cloud computing. Finally, this research offers suggestions for future researchers.


Cloud computing TAM TPB IDT security risk


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