  • 學位論文


The study of non-party personages participating in politics in Hu & Jiang’s era.

指導教授 : 張五岳


改革開放以來,中共重新定位黨外人士角色,從「被專政、整肅對象」轉變成為「政治聯盟與參政議政者」,並逐步將「照顧同盟者利益」確立為統一戰線重要工作。然因中共建政以後,黨對政權有系統的操控,使菁英決策存在明顯的專制性質;而黨與政權的平行發展,使非正式制度與黨的內部規章取代正式規則,導致黨組織逐漸取代國家的權威,也抵消國家權力機關的功能,形成黨與政權內部顛倒的權力關係。 惟自鄧小平於1979 年在宴請全國各民主黨派和工商聯代表大會代表時,首次提出和使用「多黨派合作」的概念,加之江澤民在1989年制頒「關於堅持和完善中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商制度的意見」,首次以文件形式明確要求黨外人士在「人大」、「政協」及政府中擔任職務,且在胡錦濤執政時期,除於2005年頒布「關於進一步加強中國共產黨領導的多黨合作和政治協商制度建設的意見」,進一步明確黨外人士安排政策,並於2007年任命萬鋼、陳竺為部長, 凸顯中共逐漸意識到黨外人士不僅具有一定的文化水準,且其具有較大影響力、廣泛的社會聯繫能力、較強的參政議政能力,是以冀透過拉攏其參政議政以強化對中國共產黨領導的凝聚力,然而此項舉措對中共行之已久的一黨專政是否會產生變化,是本文最主要的研究目的。故本文將透過對中共多黨合作與政治協商制度的形成發展與運作,以及江澤民、胡錦濤執政時期黨外人士參政具體變化探討,是否會對中共政權產生變化與影響。


After reformation, CCP has re-characterized non party people from the role of being dictated to being politics participants, while concerning alliance’s benefits has been regarded as an important work of united front. Since, however, CCP regime established, the party reigns over the country systematically. Thus, it makes autocratic elite decision-making pronounced. Meanwhile, as the party and the regime grow synchronously, laws and regulations from informal institutions or intraparty gradually substitute formal ones. Therefore, the party’s power surpasses the nation’s authority, and far restrains state organs from functioning. So the power relation between the party and the regime turns upside down. Mao in 1979 initiative addresses the concept of “multi-parties cooperation”. In addition, Chiang in 1989 first published a document demanding non party people to serve in National People's Congress (NPC), National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and government. What’s more, a representative file in 2005 promulgated to further clarify the arrangement policy of non party people. As a result, CCP designated Mr. Wan and Mr. Chen as ministers in 2007. All evidence shows that CCP has aware of the importance of non party people. Not only do they have much higher humanism quality, but also greater power, social connection and politics participating willingness. Consequently, CCP would like to make good use of these features in order to reinforce the party's ruling authority. Considering all these reasons above, the purpose of this article is to investigate if these behaviors are going to change the way of one party ruling tradition in CCP. Also, the content will go over and examine how multi-parties cooperation and political consult forms and develops. Last but not least, when someday non party people involve in more and more political activities, will they be going to have significant impact on CCP autocratic regime.


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