  • 學位論文


A Consumer Behavioral Model for Analyzing Intercity Public Transportation Passengers’ Behavioral Intentions

指導教授 : 許超澤 石豐宇


當政府逐年開放西部幹線公共運輸工具市場以提供民眾多樣化的選擇並期望增加搭乘率之時,民眾使用公共運輸工具的情況卻不若預期,如何提升乘客的搭乘意願成為相當重要的課題,相關營運者開始重視旅客的行為意向與搭乘因素,希望藉由瞭解旅客的態度,加強各運具特性並掌握市場上的競爭優勢。影響旅客行為意向的因素甚廣,本研究因而以消費者行為的觀點來探討旅客心理的行為意向與選擇搭乘因素。 以往關於旅客選擇搭乘因素的研究多集中於探討票價、服務品質、知覺價值與旅客行為意向的關係,對於個人影響與資訊來源則較少探討。本研究以消費者行為理論與計畫行為理論觀點建構旅運者運具選擇心理決策過程,並以涉入程度、資訊來源、知覺成本、服務品質與知覺價值衡量模式。為求能夠釐清各公共運輸旅客知覺價值的影響因素,以結構方程模式進行分析,分別針對台北—高雄城際運輸之高鐵、航空、台鐵與國道客運四種運輸工具旅客進行衡量模式與因果模式之適配性驗證,驗證各因素關聯程度並作為營運者營運管理之參考,以期更瞭解民眾的感受,提供更貼切的服務,以間接增加民眾使用公共運輸工具的意願。 研究結果顯示:(1)旅客特性差異上,高鐵與航空旅客較為類似,台鐵與國道客運旅客亦較為類似。(2)高鐵、航空、台鐵與國道客運旅客各具有不同之搭乘因素,且對於知覺價值模式的直接與間接影響效果方面確實存有差異性。(3)影響旅客知覺價值最多的為知覺成本(如時間與金錢)因素,其次為服務品質因素。(4)旅客涉入程度高低會影響其對資訊來源影響(如個人來源與公共來源)的接受程度。(5)除航空旅客涉入程度低,不受資訊來源的影響外,其他運具旅客皆會受資訊來源的影響。 本研究針對各運具旅客較重視因素,分別提出數項改善建議:(1)除降低價格外,業者可以提升服務品質來增加旅客知覺價值感受。(2)高鐵應以改善「便利性服務」為首要目標,並可透過大眾媒體傳播與多樣旅遊配套措施吸引旅客搭乘。(3)航空應先改善轉乘與接駁服務,針對洽公出差旅客提供類似共乘接駁的服務。(4)台鐵應由增加班次的準確性進行改善,加強服務人員危機處理應變能力。(5)國道客運業者則應由駕駛員的服務與行駛態度開始改善。


For the purpose of shifting heavy intercity traffic volume to public transportation modes, the Taiwanese government has steadily lifted the restrictions on the market of the west corridor. However, studies show that the ridership of public transportation modes is still limited and different types of public modes are always competing to each other. To solve this dilemma, understanding and analyzing passengers’ behavioral intentions regarding public transportation and further increasing the use of public transportation becomes critical issues. The previous related behavioral research is mainly focused on exploring the effects between price, service quality, and perceived value. It ignores the effects of individual experience and information. Therefore, this study attempts to mitigate this gap by constructing travelers’ psychological decision process based on consumer behavior theories and theory of planned behavior. This model attempts to integrate the concept of involvement, information source, perceived costs, service quality and perceived value to provide better understanding of behavioral intentions. The proposed model is confirmed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. This research finds that: (1) The demographic characteristics of the HSR and airline passengers’ are similar. Also, the characteristics of railway and highway passengers are similar. (2) Different modes’ passengers have different choice factors. (3) Passengers’ perceived cost and service quality are the main factors that affect perceived value. (4) The degree of involvement of the passengers affects the degree of information receptivity. (5) The information source affects the passengers except the airline passengers. Based on the findings, we present several suggestions: (1) Price and service quality are the keys to increase customer perceived value. (2) The priority of HSR is to improve convenience service. HSR should also design diverse traveling plans to attract more passengers. (3) The airlines should improve transfer and feeder service. (4) The railway company should increase schedule accuracy and increase workers’ crisis management abilities. (5) The highway bus companies should improve the service attitude of drivers.




邱劉中(2010)。都會區小客車駕駛人對車載資通訊服務 之消費認知與市場區隔研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00730
