  • 學位論文


A Study on Singapore’s Foreign Policy in the Post Lee kuan Yew Period

指導教授 : 楊志恆


本文是以後李光耀時期的新加坡外交政策做研究┴內容,由於冷戰的結束,東南亞區域環境也產生的相當大的轉變,新加坡身為此區域中的一員,也一直是東南亞國家協會的成員國之一。因此區域情勢的轉變對新加坡亦產生了相當程度的影響。在此一時期的新加坡,對如此波動的區域變化下,外交政策的變化究竟如何,則是本文要探究的重點。 新加坡為東南亞區域的國家,區域環境所產生的影響自然無法坐視不管,正因如此,區域內的穩定與否則時時牽動著新加坡。後冷戰時期以來,區域環境並沒有隨著冷戰的結束而停止,種族的糾紛,經濟利益的爭奪都讓此區域在進入後冷戰時期依然動盪不安。此外隨著美、蘇勢力的撤出,此區域權力真空下所帶給新加坡的不安全感,都讓星國不得不以更彈性的外交手段面對這些情勢的變化,讓新加坡在外交政策上變得更彈性務實。由於上述的影響,本文將先就影響新加坡外交政策的因素作一分析,後再就星國的外交政策的決策過程中,決策時所考量的各項要素作歸納整理,來了解新加坡的決策過程後,開始就星國在後冷戰時期對於區域國家所採行的外交政策及互動模式做一探究,以能對新加坡在90年代的外交政策變化有一完整的了解。 此外,新加坡在後冷戰時期,尤其是對美、中、日等大國,亦或是對主要週邊國家的外交關係變化,皆突破冷戰時期的互動,且能以更多元的外交政策,來求取國家的最大利益。反之,新加坡與我國的地理位置、經濟結構---等情形皆有相仿之處,星國成功的案例,可讓同是小國的我國做一借鏡。


新加坡 外交政策 東協


This thesis is a study about Singapore’s foreign policy in the post-cold war period. Southeast Asia has changed a lot since the end of the cold war. Being part of the area, Singapore is also member of the ASEAN, this is why the changes in this region affect her as well. This paper deals about how the changes in this region affect the foreign policy of Singapore. Singapore is part of Southeast Asia, this is why she has to take part in whatever happens in this region, and the stability in this area is also one of her main concern. In the post-cold war, Southeast Asia’s activities have been quite intense due to the economic crisis, ethnic conflicts, all this make this area unstable in the post-cold war period . Besides, with the withdrawing of American and Russian influence, the power-vacuum brings the feeling of unsafety in this area, this is why Singapore had to make changes in her foreign policies in order to fit the current situation in a more pragmatic and flexible way. According to the criteria listed below, this thesis is first doing some analysis on what influences the foreign policies of Singapore, then it tells what are the main concerns when Singapore is forming her policies. By knowing first the way in which she forms her policies, we then discover the pattern Singapore uses towards her neighbors, so that we could better understand the changes in her policies. In the post-cold war period, Singapore has been able to develop better policies towards great powers such as China Japan, and the United States ,even their neighbors. In that way, she will be able to pursue the most of her national interest. Hoping provide the comparison example to Taiwan, which is also a small state from learning and the development in the future.


Singapore foreign policy ASEAN


