  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationships among Brand Image, Corporate Image, Country - of - Origin Image

指導教授 : 李月華


建立良好的形象是一件重要的事。過去相關研究多數著重於品牌形象對企業形象或品牌形象對來源國形象的領域。本研究將以智慧型手機(iPhone系列/Galaxy)為標的,將品牌形象、企業形象、來源國形象三者同時加以探討,並以手機產品涉入為干擾變數,藉以分別解析彼此的關連。 研究主要藉由智慧型手機產品,以探討品牌形象、企業形象、來源國形象彼此之間的關連性及產品涉入干擾效果。因此採取「便利抽樣」的方式進行抽樣,並利用網路問卷透過網際網路進行問卷的發放,探討受測者對品牌形象、企業形象、來源國形象之間的差異。 經實證分析後,研究結果歸納如下: 1.品牌形象與企業形象彼此之間呈現正相關。 2.來源國形象對企業形象之關係呈現正相關。 3.來源國形象對品牌形象之關係呈現正相關。 4.產品涉入對品牌形象與企業形象之間的關聯性不具有干擾影響。


Image is important. Past studies mostly focus on the relation of brand image with corporate image or brand image with country of origin image. This study will use smartphones (iPhone series/Galaxy series) for the subject to research brand image, corporate image, country of origin image and take product involvement as a moderator variable to analyze the three images’ correlation. The study by the smartphone products, to explore the brand image, corporate image, country of origin image connected between each other and products involved in the interference effect. Take the "convenience sampling" sampling, and use the internet questionnaire over the internet with the issuance of the questionnaire, of explore by measuring the difference between the brand image, corporate image, country of origin image. After empirical analysis, the findings are summarized as follows: 1. The relationship between brand image and corporate image is positive. 2. The relationship for the country of origin image to the corporate image is is positive. 3. The relationship for the country of origin image to the brand image is positive. 4. Product involvement does not have the effects of interference on the association between the brand image and corporate image.

