  • 學位論文


The Design Based Research of Applying Augmented Reality on the Misconceptions of Typhoon in Elementary Science Education

指導教授 : 張玄菩


本研究是以教師對颱風之迷思概念為基礎,採用設計本位研究法開發國小自然領域颱風擴境實境輔助教材為目的。教材發展過程透過分析、設計、發展與兩次形成性評鑑,以了解專家及使用者對於本輔助教材之介面設計、內容難易度及概念模型之接受程度及發展建議。 由文獻分析得知,學生迷思概念的來源之一即是老師的教導,而國小任教自然科的老師有很高的比例是由非自然相關科系背景的教師所擔任,若自然教師備課時間不足而僅以直覺聯想、照本宣科,即容易將教師本身的迷思概念傳達給學生,而此迷思概念又可能持續影響學生後續的學習、甚至造成學生輕忽防颱準備。因此,本研究針對教師對颱風的三項迷思概念:旋轉方向、風速區別及雨勢差異,採用設計本位研究法開發一項擴增實境輔助教材,期望能讓自然科教師避免產生迷思概念、或已有迷思概念能得以導正。擴增實境的特點是在真實環境中加上虛擬物件,可擴展環境資訊與互動,是一項科技融入教育的新應用。 本研究於輔助教材設計出第一版雛型後,即請四位專家進行形成性評鑑並給予修正建議,而依據專家建議修正教材內容後,接著請五位非自然相關科系背景的自然教師擔任使用者試用教材第二版雛型,再依使用者形成性評鑑之建議作修改,以完成本輔助教材之開發。 由形成性評鑑研究結果顯示:專家認為本輔助教材再如上文字提示、並將部份影像加強呈現對比效果,即能凸顯颱風結構而達成設計目標,而使用者多認同此輔助教材可對應學習目標、容易操作、整體評估是有助益的。最後則是從擴增實境、迷思概念、設計本位研究三個角度提出對未來研究之建議。


On the basis of teachers’ misconceptions to typhoons, the study aims to develop a teaching aid of typhoon augmented reality in science field of elementary school by using design-based research. To understand the acceptance and suggestions from the experts and learners toward the interface design, content difficulty and conceptual model, the teaching aid is going along through analysis, design, development and formative evaluation. According to the literature, one of the sources of students’ misconceptions is from teachers’ instruction. However, there is a high percentage of science teachers who are non-science background. Those teachers are easy to convey their own misconceptions to students if they are just scripted or think intuitively. Moreover, these misconceptions could continually affect students’ learning. They may even neglect the preparation against typhoons. Thus, in light of the teachers’ three misconceptions: direction of rotation, wind speed distinction and the rain differences, the study develops a teaching aid by adopting design-based research. It is expected that science teachers will avoid or correct their misconceptions. To sum up, augmented reality is a new application of integrating technology into teaching, which involves virtual objects in real environment, allowing the expansion of environmental information and interactions. The teaching aid is revised by four experts under formative evaluation after the first prototype is finished. Next, the teaching aid is amended according to the experts’ suggestions. Then, five non-science background teachers are asked to use the second revised prototype. After that, the teaching aid is modified in terms of learners’ formative evaluation. Finally, the development of teaching aid is done. To ground on the result of formative evaluation, the experts consider the teaching aid can highlight typhoon’s structures and achieve the design goals by adding text tips and strengthening contrast effects. What is more, most learners agree that this teaching aid can correspond to learning objectives and is easy to use. The overall assessment is beneficial. In the end, form the perspectives of augmented reality, misconception and design-based research, some suggestions for future research are proposed.


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