  • 學位論文


Internationalization policy of higher education in Australia

指導教授 : 張鈿富


澳洲政府從1990年後,澳洲高等教育國際化由「對外援助」轉向「教育出口貿易」的政策之後,其在招收國際學生方面開始展開積極的策略。有感於此,本研究在觀察從2005年至2011年之內,澳洲教育政策對其高等教育國際化的推動所扮演的角色。因此,選擇以澳洲境內5個國際學生人數較多的州(新南威爾士州、維多利亞州、昆士蘭州、西澳大利亞、南澳大利亞州),並以該州國際學生人數超過2千人的大學(分別為麥克里大學、皇家墨爾本理工大學、格里菲斯大學、科廷大學及南澳大學)作為研究對象。以文件分析法收集從2005至2011年的法令文本、文獻、報導及公告網站數據等;以資料探勘法觀察隨著澳洲高教教育國際化政策的變革,就讀澳洲的國際學生在人數及就讀領域上的升降趨勢。   本研究發現,澳洲政府數十年間所推動的高等教育國際化政策之果效,反應在2005至2009年間國際學生人數的不斷攀升。在聯邦政府與州政府的管理之下,各大學成為全國統一體系(多為國立或州立大學,少有隸屬財團法人的私立大學),此類體系不僅便於管理,亦能確保其教育品質,而高等教育國際市場佔有優勢。從所收集的資料中發現,維多利亞州與西澳大利亞州所制訂的產學合作策略,使其州內國際學生人數提升幅度甚其他州。從各大學國際學生人數的懸殊差異亦可知,仰賴維多利亞州的產學合作策略奏效,使得皇家墨爾本理工大學的國際學生在畢業後在產業界佔有優勢,使其國際學生人數逐年大幅增加,遠勝於其他州。但從2009至2011年,國際學生人數約略出現下滑趨勢,亦從所收集的資料中發現澳洲高等教育正面臨維持教學研究品質與增加經濟利益之間的衝突。此外,亞太地區一直以來都是澳洲國際學生的主要來源國,但由於文化衝突、簽證程序改變、澳幣匯率等問題導致來自印度、中國等國際學生人數下降。隨即在2012年澳洲政府則提出亞洲世紀白皮書,擬定辦法積極爭取亞洲國際教育市場。澳洲在推動國際化教育政策的積極與靈活,使其在高等教育成為澳洲重要的「貿易出口產業」,在國際市場表現亮眼。本研究希望藉由對於澳洲高等教育國際化政策的探討,梳理教育政策從國家制定、州政府監督及落實各大學過程中的脈絡,以了解澳洲如何透過制定確切可行的教育政策引領他們的高等教育邁向國際化。


澳洲 高等教育 國際化


After 1990, the Australian government has turned her education export policy from foreign aid. The internationalization of higher education in Australia, began an active strategy to enroll international students. On this premise, this research observes from 2005 to 2011, the role that Australian educational policy playing in the internalization of its higher education. Five states with more students in Australia were selected (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, and South Australia), and the five university with more than 2,000 students (Macquarie University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Griffith University, Curtin University, and University of South Australia) were selected as the subjects. The data were collected from 2005 to 2011 lawful texts, literature, reports, and announcement web.The study applied document analysis method to review the Australian higher education’s internationalized policies. The data mining has been used to determine the increase and decrease tendency of the territories and number of the international students. The research results show that Australian government’s promotion and support of university internationalization policies in decades have solidly reflected in the outcome of rapidly increasing international students in 2005-2009. Under the management of the federal government and state governments, universities have become the national unified system (mostly national or state universities, and a few private universities of corporate body). Such system is not only managed easily, the educational quality also has advantages in the international market. From the data we collected, Victoria State and West Australia State’s Industry and Education Cooperation Strategy have made the international students increase more remarkably than other states do. From the differences in the student number in each university, we may learn that the industry and education cooperation strategy is effective, enabling the international students graduated from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology have privileges in the industry. Compared with other states, its international students get more gradually than do other institutes. However, in 2009-2011, the student number declined, and the data showed that Australia was facing the conflict between maintaining higher research education and increasing her economic profits. In addition, Asia-Pacific has always been the nations that their international students come from. Due to cultural conflict, visa procedure change, Australian currency, and other issues, students from China and India declined. Then in 2012 the Australian government proposed Asian Century White Paper to scheme methods to strive for Asian International Educational Market. Its positivity and flexibility in promoting international educational policies make higher education an important “trade export industry,” which performs outstandingly. This research expects to organize educational policies context in nation and state governments supervision by Australian higher education, and comprehend how Australia lead their higher education make up feasible and definite educational policies to guide their higher education towards internalization.


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