  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Food Policy between Taiwan and Japan--- A Case Study Based on Food Security Policy

指導教授 : 任耀廷


台灣為世界主要糧食輸入國,糧食供應高度依賴原物料進口,糧食自給率只有32.7%,在已開發國家中與日本同屬後段班。近一、二年來國際上陸續發生糧食危機,為因應當前的情勢,我國現行糧食安全政策與措施問題,實有重新檢視與探討的必要。 日本與台灣同屬島嶼型國家,飲食習慣相近,其糧食政策有訐多值得我們研究及參考之處。日本非常重視糧食自給,2010年3月提出糧食自給率之政策目標,將目前40%左右的自給率,2020年提升至50%,作為其農業生產的方向,同時在其農業政策上也不鼓勵優良農地休耕。 本研究探討台灣與日本糧食安全政策,經比較分析,提出「台灣糧食安全政策與措施待改進之處」以及「日本糧食安全政策與措施可供台灣借鏡之處」。值得台灣借鏡之處包括糧食安全政策與措施有法源依據、設定糧食自給率目標及防範糧食安全受到威脅等,整合在「食料、農業、農村基本法」架構下,擬訂周全配套措施。本研究特針對稻田休耕問題,檢討台灣休耕政策,以日本調整稻田利用經驗為對照。台灣如發展飼料用水稻,不但可減少休耕面積,還可提高糧食自給率。 日本設定明確糧食自給率之政策目標,凝聚國內共識,結合民間團體推動提升糧食自給率之國民運動,喚起全國消費者對糧食自給率的重視。但我國面對逐年下降的糧食自給率,在糧食政策調整中,維持適當自給率仍非政策調整之主要考量,國民對此議題漠不關心。在國際糧價高漲及全球糧食危機的陰影籠罩之下,我們必須更加正視糧食安全的問題。尤其是在台灣糧食自給率已下跌至30%左右的低水準時,我們亟有必要參考日本的做法,調整我國的糧食安全政策。


Taiwan, one of the primary food-importing countries in the world, is highly dependent on the import of raw materials for domestic food supply. Reporting a 32.7% food self-sufficiency rate, both Taiwan and Japan are laggards among the developed countries. In recent 1-2 years, due to successive food crises in the world, there is a need to review and update the existing food safety policies and measures to improve the present situation. Japan, an island country like Taiwan has similar eating habits. For this reason, it is worth studying Japan’s food self-sufficiency policy. Japan has been well aware of the importance of food self-sufficiency. In March 2010 Japan proposed food self-sufficiency policy to increase the rate from 40% to 50% by 2020. The mean of this policy is to push towards agricultural productivity and at the same time, to encourage to keep quality agricultural lands to be used for farming. The study is to compare and analyze the food security policy between Taiwan and Japan to improve Taiwan’s policy. Particularly, the policy in Taiwan to increase rice field productivity by introducing a successful case of adjustment on rice field utilization in Japan. Fields that were not farmed due to excess rice in the past are now being encouraged to be farmed again. Rice can also be used for feed purposes. Japan set up a distinct policy for food self-sufficiency rate to get a national consensus. National events sponsored by civic groups were held to promote the significance of food self-sufficiency to consumers in Japan. These events have helped to increase the food self-sufficiency rate and to let Japanese consumers recognize its importance. However, in Taiwan, even though the food self-sufficiency rate has been decreasing these days, it is not of major issue to adjust the policy to maintain an adequate rate. Most of the Taiwanese have no concerns regarding this issue. Facing the fact of food security matter and experiencing the status of our self-sufficiency rate with less than 30%, it is now time to set up Taiwan’s own food security policy by learning the important measures practiced in Japan.


1. 行政院農業委員會(2009)「九十七年農業統計年報」:行政院農業委員會。
2. 行政院農業委員會(2009)「九十七年糧食供需年報」:行政院農業委員會。
12. 胡士文、張廖珮舒、王葳(2006)「農產品存量管制與體制崩潰」,人文及社會科學集刊,18卷4期,頁565-598。
21. 劉志偉(2009B)「國際農糧體制與臺灣的糧食依賴:戰後臺灣養豬業的歷史考察」:臺灣史研究,第十六卷第二期,頁105-160。


