  • 學位論文


A Study on Employee Group Insurance Plan–An Example for A Company

指導教授 : 廖述源


企業經營以獲利及永續生存為首要任務,惟企業營運時卻有許多不可預測之風險,為避免因經營風險侵蝕企業基礎,企業風險管理之概念逐漸萌芽,透過建立風險管理文化協助移轉經營風險。團體保險即為移轉經營風險方式之一,主要承保企業員工因遭遇事故時,降低企業可能面臨之損失。 我國團體保險自1971年南山人壽保險公司正式引進至今已有四十餘年,目前我國對於團體保險欠缺法律之明文規範,實務運作悉依主管機關多次修正規範為依據。整體而言,團體保險尚稱完備,惟仍有其缺失之處。再者,團體保險於國外早已行之多年,無論於承保條件、彈性投保及損失經驗等各方面皆已純熟,足以作為我國團體保險發展之借鏡。 本研究係以國內A公司現行團體保險為研究對象,逐條析論團體保險各項內容,針對不適足及不合理之部分,提出具體建議,且透過探討國外團體保險,希冀汲取其優點,使我國團體保險更為完臻,並做為企業規劃團體保險制度之參考。


The primary purposes of businesses are in contributing profit for its owners and sustainable operation in the long term, however there are many unpredictable risks in operations. For avoidance of business erosion by operation risk, the concept of enterprise risk management is budding gradually. Companies can transfer their commercial risks through the culture establishment of risk management, and Group insurance is one of the way to transfer business risk that can mainly insure in the event of an on job employee accidents of any nature for reducing business losses. Group insurance of ours was led in by Nanshan Life Insurance Company since 1971 for more than 40 years. At present, we are still lake of norms to cover it, the basis of amendments by competent authorities was subject to practical operation. As a whole, group insurance is said to be complete but there are still some deficiency. With reference to the group insurance in foreign countries had running for years, regardless in terms of underwriting conditions, flexible insurance, loss of experience and other aspects were proficient enough to enlighten us as an example. This study is lies in the current group insurance of domestic companies “A” as the object, one by one go through its items of group insurance about the improper and unreasonable part for specific propositions. Further to learn its advantages through the deep discussion of foreign group insurance, so that our group insurance can be more complete, as well as being a reference for the corporate while planning group insurance system.


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