  • 學位論文


Formulation of Business Strategy for bicycle Manufacturers in Taiwan – A Case Study

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 賴錦璋(Chin-Chang Lai)


隨著生活日漸富裕,自行車在今日人類生活中所扮演的角色,已從早期單純的交通代步工具,轉化為運動與休閑的時尚表徵。對自行車廠商來說,如何走出標準制式化的產品製造範疇,突顯其個性化、功能化、甚而客製化的特色,以因應整個需求環境的變遷,已成為一項重要且急切的課題。 本論文以台灣自行車領導廠商-G公司為案例,探討在整個環境變遷的過程當中,個案公司的內部條件,競爭優勢,以及所有條件裡面,會有什麼不同的改變,而來找尋它既有的優點,調整它的缺點,以有效達成它的企業使命。本論文希望透過對整個趨勢的暸解,並藉由它的模型基本架構,歸納出策略形成之關鍵要素,據以發展個案公司的經營策略。本研究冀期藉由探討個案如何形成其經營策略,以提供其他自行車廠商有效轉型之典範參考。 本研究採用描述性的個案研究方法,透過國內外相關文獻探討、蒐集初級資料與次級資料,依據理論架構作基礎,應用於分析個案公司,歸納結論如下述:個案公司內部環境面之關鍵性要素為「產銷整合」,產業環境面之關鍵性要素為「品牌」,總體環境面之關鍵性要素為「創新」。總結前述環境面三大關鍵性要素,本研究認為,個案公司之策略形成要素為『整合與創新』。 根據策略形成要素『整合與創新』,本研究發展出下列三項策略:(一)整合策略:生產面與銷售面的整合,充分發揮內部環境面之關鍵性要素「產銷整合」,深化產銷優勢。(二)差異化策略:G公司除在實體產品與競爭者產生差異外,而且應增加或結合互補產品與服務,在服務功能上與競爭者產生差異化。(三)產品擴張、市場發展策略:面對來自健身中心替代品的威脅,G公司應積極推出健身中心所需要的一系列Cycling 產品,採取產品擴張策略;甚或進入健身中心運動休閒市場,採取市場發展策略或相關多角化策略,將產業的威脅轉為個別企業的機會。 關鍵字:自行車;企業使命;內部環境;產業環境;總體環境;產品擴張策略;市場發展策略;相關多角化策略。


In today’s wealthy society, the role of bicycle plays in our life has been changed from simply being a vehicle tool to being sports-and-leisure- goods which represents a new life style. For bicycle manufacturers, it’s an important and urgent issue to make not only standardized products but characteristic, functional and customized ones to meet people’s diversified and specific needs and to proactively react to the changing environment. With the case study of G Company (“the Company”), the research sought to discuss the Company’s internal conditions and competitive advantages as well as the actions taken to cope with the changing environment. We can see how the Company achieves its vision and mission effectively by strengthening the strength and improving its weakness. The study aims to develop the business strategy for the Company by well-understanding the industrial trend and identifying the key factors through the theoretical structure and model. By means of the discussing of the formulation of business strategy, the research expects to provide a model for the bicycle manufacturers in Taiwan. The case study adopts descriptive research methodology by reviewing related domestic and overseas literatures, collecting primary and secondary information and analyzing the Company based on a theoretical framework. It concludes 3 key factors as follows: the key factors of the internal environment, the industrial environment and the macro-environment are the integration of production and marketing, branding and innovation, respectively. With the analysis of the aforementioned three key factors in three dimensions, the research summarizes that “Integration and Innovation” is the key strategic factor for the Company. Based on the key factor of “Integration and Innovation”, the research concludes 3 different strategies for the Company:1. Integration strategy:Taking the advantage of the integration of products and sales, the Company should deepen the strength of production and marketing by developing the key factor of internal environment “Production and Marketing”. 2. Differentiation strategy:To excel the rest of the bicycle manufacturers, the Company should take efforts on differentiating in physical products by lunching more specific and unique functions, as well as in tailor-made services. 3. Product extension and market development strategy:Facing the threats from the substitutes in the fitness center, the Company should take the product extension strategy of proactively launching a series of cycling products for fitness centers. Moreover, it may adopt the market development strategy or diversification strategy to take the chance of turning industrial threat into opportunity by entering into the new market of fitness centers.


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