  • 學位論文


Exploring the Behavior Intention of Dispatching Acceptance by IT Professionals - An Empirical Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 吳錦波


歷經世界金融危機一波又一波的震撼,掀起全球金融和就業的恐慌。企業裁員、無薪假、減薪、凍結人力等問題也逐漸發酵中,其中企業主對人才的需求態度開始逐漸改變,愈來愈著重在人力派遣的聘雇關係上,而傳統的聘雇關係已不再是一種保障。面對未來金融景氣的不穩定以及企業人才需求的改變,並在高失業率和高競爭率重重壓力環伺之下,資訊人員是否還奢望傳統聘雇關係是唯一的選擇,還是開始願意接受人力派遣的工作模式,這是本研究主要探討的方向。 本研究以Ajzen(1985)所提出的計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)為研究基礎,以理論所建構之「態度」、「主觀規範」、「行為控制知覺」與「行為意向」四個主要構念,來探討資訊人員對於派遣工作接受之意向行為研究。以具備資訊背景的人員為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,共寄發問卷290份,回收問卷234份,回收率為80.7%。剔除無效問卷43份後,有效問卷為191份,有效問卷率81.62%。以結構方程模式,使用SPSS 19.0和AMOS 19.0等統計軟體進行分析驗證。研究顯示資訊人員對派遣工作的「態度」和「行為控制知覺」,會對於接受派遣的「行為意向」有直接影響關係,但「主觀規範」方面,卻對「行為意向」沒有顯著的影響。


Continuous waves of economic crisis have stirred about the gradual emergence of financial and employment turmoil such as layoffs, unpaid leaves, salary cuts and headcount freeze. The employer’s attitude towards the need of talent has started to change and gradually emphasized on temporary employment relationship, hence the traditional employment relationship is no longer a guarantee. Going forward the economic uncertainty and the change in the need of talent as well as under the two stressful conditions of high unemployment rate and highly competitive environment, whether information technology personnel still value traditional employment relationship as the only way to work or are they willing to accept the Temporary Employment is the abstract of thesis. The research is conducted based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB proposed by Ajzen (1985). The TPB structured the four main concepts, which are the Effects of Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Behavioral Intention, in order to determine the behavior of information and technology personnel towards Temporary Employment. The survey questionnaires targeted people with background of information and technology knowledge. 290 survey questionnaires were distributed and among them, 234 were reverted back accounting for 80.7% reversion rate. By eliminating 43 void survey questionnaires, valid survey questionnaires remained 191 accounting for 81.62 % validation rate. By adopting structural equation modeling, SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0 etc, which are the statistics software for analysis and verification, the research shows that the information technology personnel ‘s Effects of Attitude and Perceived Behavioral Control are directly influenced by the Behavioral Intention of Temporary Employment; however, Subjective Norm is insignificantly influenced by the Behavioral Intention.


7.林東清、孫培真、徐景智 (2000) 。影響資訊系統使用者抗拒行為之原因:以計劃行為理論為基礎之整合研究,國立中山大學資訊管理研究,第二期(2),1-26。


