  • 學位論文


In the World of Quebec French Fairy Tales, A study of " Ti-jean", "Loup-Garou","Chasse-Galerie", and " Corriveau. "

指導教授 : 喻樑


十六∼十七世紀以來,新法蘭西地區長期受到法國的殖民,當地人民的生活方式、宗教信仰...等,深受到法國影響。十八世紀中葉,英國與法國開始長達七年(一七五六∼一七六三)的戰爭,最後法國戰敗。英國開始統治新法蘭西,把它變成今日加拿大的一省。 魁北克在英國統治下,木材工業普遍發達。當時農村年輕力壯的男子收割完穀物後,待在家裡覺得無聊,於是離家賺外快貼補家用,一群人便相約一窩蜂往森林伐木工地跑。這樣的社會環境,造成十八世紀中葉魁北克各地伐木工業蓬勃發展,所有魁北克口述傳說,例如天馬行船、惕讓,就是這樣從森林流傳出來,最後隨著時間的流逝,變成今日加拿大法語區人民耳熟能詳的童話故事。 這些魁北克的童話、小說、故事、傳說,都是經過世世代代口耳相傳下來的。直到今天還有很多童話故事,被以錄音的方式保存在加拿大、魁北克、蒙特婁大學及國家圖書館和阿卡地等檔案資料室。在本論文中筆者將把這些豐富多樣的法語區經典童話故事介紹研究、分析於後。 本文透過探討魁北克經典童話(惕讓、天馬行船、殺夫累犯、狼人)等故事,以主題學研究方式,探討相同故事題材、差異版本內容。從故事寫作手法中,了解故事中的哲理,是否隨著版本的不同,而產生變異,亦或延續原著作品的精神意涵及說理敘事。根據俄國學者普羅普的童話型態學理論,分析魁北克典型童話人物的個性、出場安排、情節發展、懸疑等情形,有助於我們理解童話故事的來龍去脈。 然後從閱讀欣賞童話,了解當時美洲印第安人、愛斯基摩人部族的生活方式、飲食習慣、社會型態、宗教信仰等地理人文特色之間的關係。同時從魁北克千年童話中著手欣賞新穎洗鍊故事內容、了解其傳統文化的精髓,並對法語語言的歷史演變應用,做深入的分析及研究。


From the 16th to the 17th century, New France areas in North America were colonized by France. In the 18th century, England and French government started for seven years (1756 -1763) war, and France was defeated. Under the domination of England, lumbering was universally developed. However, these countryside young and vigorous men felt very bored at home after the harvest of cereals, and then they left to the forests to cut down trees and work there. This results in a vigorous development of the logging industry in each area of Quebec during the middle of the 18th century. Most of the oral legends derived from there at the same time. For instance: the stories of flying canoe, ti-jean that also came from the forest by this way. Finally, along with time passing, those narratives became Canada's French-Speaking people's famous fairy tales. This thesis will focus on studies of Quebec's classical fairy tales, example: the flying canoe, ti-jean, wolfman, Corriveau, and so on. Furthermore, adopting theme studies research to analyze the same theme in different edition stories. Attempting to see its deeper meanings, or if changes took place from the original author. On the basis of Russian structurist Vladimir Propp's 31 narrative functions, to analyze character arrangement, the plot development in Quebec's typical fairy tales. In addition, from reading Cécile Gagnon's "A thousand years of Quebec fairy tales volume 2," to realize the lifestyle, diet, habits, religious beliefs, and geography of American Indians and Eskimos. It helps us to comprehend Canadian traditional culture's essence, and stimulate our notice in applying French language.


The flying canoe Storyteller Cecile Gagnon Ti-jean Corriveau


34. 曹順慶,《比較文學論》,台北,楊智文化事業股份有限公司,2003。
46. 關永中,《神話與時間》,台北,臺灣書店,1997。
3. Farb Peter, Man's rise to civilization as shown by the Indians of North America from primeval times to the coming of the industrial state, New York, Dutton, 1968.
4. Franz Kafka, The metamorphosis : translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism, New York, W.W. Norton, 1996.
6. Ruth B. Bottigheimer, Fairy tales and society : illusion, allusion, and paradigm, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986.
